Monday, April 13, 2020

stir crazy:)

hee hee, no u quit it. i’m just waiting here quietly like mom asked us to... well, it is not my fault u ate so many smelly jelly beans, duk duk. hee hee, well technically not my fault. but any-

phoowee! omg, duk duk, that was riper than the time we put a cheezy rind and the crusty crusts from our egg salad sandwiches in the dryer. and that was only yesterday. ah memories...o, or the time, when we put tuna, and kool aid powder, and cabbage in the washer? yeah that smelly.  hee hee, also yesterday come to think of it. o, i think mom is finally coming..

mom, i know we are supposed to be waiting here quietly until u r ready to take our picture to send to the pee m v for our new pedal license, but do u think maybe we could wait quietly down in the laundry room? i mean, not to suggest that u should be doing laundry or anything. i mean, like, well, we just want to wait down there for no real reason really. :)


Anonymous said...

Sweet smelly memories fog the corners of my, I mean your, mind. ....I agree Baxter, like the song says, there's nothing like a good memory.

Little Wisconsin Klaus