Friday, July 17, 2020


why smell, mom. what’s that? o nothing. just enjoying the sun, really. o, u r going to the grocery store? hmmmm. nopies, me and duk duk cannot think of anything we need at the moment. okay, mom.  c u later bye bye. o and do not forget 2 wear your mask! 

boy, that was close...what? well i had to make it believable. oo hang on, duk duk, i think it finally moved!.... wait...rats. nopies, just shadow shift i guess.........what was that, duk duk?  another pizza??

first off, mom said she was going to wally world, and we both know that their pizza is basically pizza shaped cardboard stuffed inside a bigger box of cardboard. 

and second, if we asked her to get us another one,  then u know i know that we both know that she would probably figure out what happened. except maybe for the part about how it got up there. although, she could probably figure out that part too. 


Anonymous said...

I love it!! You made my day and gave me a very good laugh.

Little Wisconsin Klaus' mom, Krista