Friday, September 4, 2020

mayhem at the nopies corral

omg that was close. hurry, duk duk, get your smelly butt back inside !! 

u saw it -  no smellygagging! seriously we have to close the door and batten down the hatches before - 

eeeeeeeeeek! too late! 

um, sorry, new tiny cassieosmellynelly , as keepers of the ferociousness, me and duk duk regret to inform that this house enforces strict social distancing measures which requires u to stand way, way, way over there.  no ifs ands or butts. furthermore, if you would kindly remember to refrain from coming over here ever again, that would be really helpful bc me and duk duk are generally going to be really really busy having fun and we have no time for - o hang on, my mother is tellling me something ...

wait, what? mom!  what do u mean let her in!????!?!


Brian said...

Good for you keep that social distancing going, my boys are staying home more nowadays except for their two daily doxie walks! Brian