Friday, September 25, 2020

when a wolf cares enough to give his mom the advice she needs on topics of great importance

well, mom, i mean, i know i heard dad telling u that our new car is on the way and all, and, i am sure the one u picked will be a-okay and everything, but, i was stinking i mean thinking that maybe it is still not too late to change the order out for a tr-v super land rocket with turbo charged thrusters and optional mega cargo trailer haul package.  u know, so we could go everywhere really fast and still take home all sorts of good stuff we could never take home before, like a walrus tank, and walrus food, and.. well, a walrus.  and maybe we could finally be able to take home three, no four pallets of gummy worms. and maybe, we could go to hot air balloon store, for obvious reasons.  i mean, see? things happen for a reason, and although it’s probably not the best time to be needing a new car, i just want to make sure we maximize the full potential this opportunity provides. :)


Brian said...

Oh Baxter you are a clown!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Not asking for much are you, Baxter?!

Little Klaus' mom, Krista

Anonymous said...

Once the Ferocious Wolf sniffs the breeze from an open car window, the type of car and it's capacity for Walrus tanks will not matter so much.