Friday, October 9, 2020

wrong turn

whoopsie, sorry, how did i get up here? please do not let me interrupt anything here. my apologies really. i musta taken that wrong turn at albuquerque.  so... so yeppies, lemme just make like a poopie snake and smear on outta here. don’t worry, i did not see a thing.  i’ll be out of your hair in no-

whoa, whoa! hey, i’m just a wolfie tryna - wait wait,  hey, okay no need to turn me around, i was just on my way out and -  o, well, smello, doctor tushie man and miss helper lady,  how did i not notice u before ? hey, like i said, i was just on my way to cucamonga, and i guess i took a wrong turn, so, like, no need to bring out a cake or anything i’ll just be on my way. yeppies it is totally my fault, i’m gonna need to maybe finally update the ios on my iphoney . hey do u guys have wifi? can i maybe, yeah maybe i can just go back to the house and get my usb cable and i’ll come back and i’ll bring gummy worms for everyone one. special reserve yeppies u really gotta try some they are so delicious and yeah they are just so —

wonderful. um, i know this is just my annual checkup and all but, can we just pretend we squeezed my charmin already? 


Jane said...

Hi Baxter! I hope everything is ok now. I know you were glad when that exam was over. I thought the tushie man made a visit to your house. Sambo has to go at the end of the month for his annual too.

Anonymous said...

My little guy knows exactly how you feel, Baxter! Pretty soon he will be seeing the tushie lady.

Little Wisconsin Klaus' mom, Krista

Brian said...

Poor Baxter, my boys don't enjoy doctor visits either but you do need that yearly checkup to stay healthy!