Friday, December 24, 2021

‘twas the night before stinkmas :)

hee hee hee, tinkle smells, tinkle smells, tinkle and a spray! o what fun it is to -

hold the foofie, what is this ??! 

oooooOOOOoooOoooooo!  hee hee, tiny trees that are totally wolfy height. perfect for a sprinkly tinkly, if i do say so myself! 

but, wait. hmmmmm….hmmmmmm…. 364 days.. duk would definitely pound me if i messed everything up for us now. my brain sas nopies but my bladder is totally saying yeppies. hmmmmm…..

moooom! did santa say exactly what time he would be coming tonight?? 


Anonymous said...

You have lots of hats that are really cute, but that one is my favorite. You look like such an adorable little Wolfie-Elf! Be a good little boy with those trees otherwise Santa is not going to leave you any presents.

Right now little Wisconsin Klaus is taking a nap before opening all his gifts this afternoon, but he wants me to to wish you a very very Merry Christmas.


P.S. Thank you for all the laughter you have given to me through the years.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that Santa will bring the fierce wolf some wonderful gifts!