Friday, January 7, 2022

duk dukked :)

what? how am i supposed to know where your gummy worms are, duk duk? i’ve just been here in my bed like, all day really. cuz, u knows it is sunny here and a wolf needs to recharge his batteries. 

but hey if u do find them do not forget u still owe me like eleventy bags from the new year’s eve disco fiascotastrophe so do not come back empty winged or some dukkie is going to get quite a pounding. what? o do not worry, we’ll be here when u get back alright. mom, me, myself, and i. all four of us. waiting for our eleventy bags of gummy worms…. yeah, okay. smell ya. 

hee hee hee, eleventy minus one bags of gummy worms. :) 


Brian said...

That's a lot of gummy worms for one wolf!

Anonymous said...

The fierce wolf loves his gummy worms!