Friday, February 25, 2022

ss hot death biscuit :)

hey! cassie! it’s lunchy lunch time and for some hosty reason mom says i cannot eat my lunchy lunch unless u r there, too,  so get your fluffy butt in gear and get a move on already. 

cassie! i said lunchy lunch is ready and this wolf is getting hangry! hurry up and -  what?? omg boy ur head better not be stuck!  okay, i guess it’s not. now hurry up and let’s get going. cassie! cassie, u r even listening? 

sheesh this is ridiculous! what’s more interesting than lunchy lunch? make room, make room, let a wolfie thru!  

(sniff sniff) (sniff sniff) 

hmmm, why does it smell like hot death biscuits over here? 

surely it cannot be the museum. it’s been closed for weeks. but what could be so…

whooooa! omg u did that, cassie?? massive ploppage. 


kaaaack! kaaaaack! hee hee hee,  somebuddy call the rescue recovery team, we’ve got a serious snake overboard situation here on the poop deck! :)


Brian said...

You're lucky Baxter to have such a smell, I mean swell friend!

SamCookie said...

Make sure Cassie gets blamed for the droppage, Baxter, and not you.