Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2017

and now we break for a very special sponsored announcement :)

hee hee, yeah, duk duk, our tiny poopers turned out swell again this year - i am so glad mom let us off the hook for helping her make them so that we could focus on making the video for our back end marketing campaign. hee hee, if u know what i mean. oh hang on...

what's that, mom? oh yes we are about to do that now. we were just waiting it to load.

o is it ready, duk duk? okay lemme start...

ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our presentation of "the cootie" starring me,a wolf, and cassie, the cootie, to bring u this very special sponsored announcement, written and directed by a wolf and a falcon :). 

(okay duk duk hit the arrow 2 play...) :) 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

if cuteness were a thing u could eat :)

hee hee, yeah i know, duk duk.  they turned out so cute, even i would eat them.

i mean, just look at them.  the colors remind me of the delicious macarons madwilly made when she visited us. or, jelly beans! u know, not the big yucky spice ones, but the tiny jelly bird eggs - like the ones we helped dad eat up, like, weeks ago.... hee hee, yeah i do not know what mom was thinking buying them so early.   dad found the bag and poof! well, yeah, i mean we helped too, obviously... 

what's that? well, i guess we could tell her cuz she is never going to find something that is not there anymore. but i am kind of enjoying just waiting and looking at books before they are adopted, arentchoo, duk duk? besides, once mom comes back empty handed, well, lets just say i hope she asks dad about it so he is the first to crack. if they have 2 be replaced, dad's allowance is like, way bigger than ours. 

oooo,  okay, i know these are really awesome tiny handmade books perfect for secrets or things u want to really remember forever, but, they also kind of remind me of the petit fours we did not make in home ec. remember? cuz teacher took off points because she said poopie snake is not recognized petit four shape.  and then she took off more points because we iced all ours brown and dark yellow and not a single one of them had a girly flower on them.  hee hee, they were still delicious though, just like these i bet would be if cuteness were a thing u could eat.

hee hee hee, they are so tiny and small! i mean, they would make super little tiny presents for easter and are perfect for, well u know, drawing tiny pictures or keeping secrets or writing big tiny memories in them, dontchoo think, duk duk? 

hee hee, yeppies, i guess u r right.  we should really get on with our work if we are going to get them listed by this thursday 4/6 at 8:00PM EST.  but first thing's first, it's time for a snackie, dontchoo think?:)

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

wednesday's doot is full of woot :)

hee hee, yeppies i am happy how our swirly glitter weenies all came out too, duk duk.  

what a stroke of luck that chocobot and his unicorn friends decided to have their pre-easter eatsterparty at our heat cave the other week.  i mean, we both know that chocobot can really make a massive pile but who knew that a group of unicorns can make like, literally an olympus-sized mountain glittery poop. and in all sorts of colors too. yeppies, even our museum was not going to be able to hold that much. we were really lucky they used their magic to help us bottle some for our swirly weenies, weren't we? 

my favorite combination? well, i surprise myself by saying this, but i am not sure i have just one.  i mean, on the one paw or wing, u have the chocolatey poopie brown series, and they are all actually very pretty - not just the poopie gold and browns glitter mix which everybuddy pretty much knows i would like, but the other ones too - falcony greens and blues, and even cootieful pinks and reds. those combinations we made all go nicely with the brown they way grass and tomatoes do when show up on the back end if u know what i mean.

and,  on the other paw - no wing - we have the princessy purple series, with your choice of unicorn purples and holographic glitter, falcony greens and blues, and of course cootieful pinks and reds.  i just want to swirl them all and stare at them forever, dontchoo, duk duk?  what's that, oh right.  sorry mom 2 keep u waiting. let me go ahead and finish getting ready so we can get this photo party started and get everything ready to post for this Wednesday. it'll only take me a minute, mom.... (shuffle , shuffle)...okay that's on nice n snug.

now one last thing. i think i have my lines pretty much memorized, but, duk duk, if u would just hand me my script, we can tape them to the back here where i can see them if i need a remin-


-der. wait, what??? mom, we can't lose the mask.  u said this time me and duk duk had full creative authority on this project and what with spring and easter coming up,  i mean seriously, what better time for a ferocious bunny to be selling these sparkly incredibly awesome -

...okay FINE, he says with frost visibly dripping from his words if that were only a thing in real life.  but, a) the change notice is going 2 cost u 5 extra gummy worms for each of us  b) we are going to need an extra 20 minutes to prepare and c) can u please go downstairs and get my purple plaid top hat while me and duk duk write and rehearse our new script? 

okay, c u in a few. 

hee hee hee, that went even better than i expected.  and, thanks to the fact that we totally already wrote our plan b script ahead of time,  now we have a whole 20 minutes to goof off. :)

(hee hee, don't miss tomorrow's doot for our super special sparkly swirly glitter weenies, let's say around 11:00AM EST. and please remember, as these goodies are partly made from glass and contain small parts, we like to think of these as goodies for grown ups.  please enjoy responsbily. :) )

Friday, February 24, 2017

etsy fresh: always take time to smell the swirlies :)

dear diary,
i am so happy about all our new spring goodies,  i do not even know where to begin! well, okay, maybe i should begin with the super cool new cards me and duk duk have just added to mom's etsy shop.  because guess what, we just added 5 new cards and 60 percent of them have 100 percent of my tushie on them! and this time,  mom even let us come up with our very own, way much more practical slogans on them.  u know, like this one, from our important reminders in life series. always take time to smell the swirlies. 

we even made a mooshy love card for that special someone in your life, because valentine's day should not be the only day u tell your loved one how much they smell.  and, our last new tushie card, is a smello card. i only wish we could have made it scratch and sniff, but i guess that is a project for future me and duk duk.

oh, and do not think we forgot about the other important holidays coming up.   i mean, we already offer a lovely st patrick's day card and four whole easter cards, but u know, everyone has a ton of moms and dads or people they think of as moms and dads,  and we thought, hey, let's also make and post our supercool new mother's day and father's day cards.  and so we did, which you can score along with all the other cards we mentioned by visiting

oooo! and, say maybe u r looking for a very special easter gift or well, u know, a teeny tiny treat or two or three hundred for yourself? well, sit back and enjoy the next thirty seconds because me and duk duk also finished our next super doot announcement.  the dootage will coming to our shop sometime in the late morning of this coming wednesday, march 1st. :)

hee hee, that's right.  finally a cool tiny glitter weenie for grownups,  that they can put on their desk or windowsill or anywhere a little sparkly swirly calming zen is desired.  me and duk duk like to shake and stare at ours up close so it feels like a kapoopiescope. and we could stare at it for hours.  which is probably why we did so poorly on our math test, come to think of it, but seeing as how mom does not know that yet, let's just keep that secret between u and me, okay?

anyhoo, we will be sharing more details on our glitter weenies, but if u like,  i should remind u that u can always purchase your spring and summer card needs now, and save on shipping by mentioning in the comments at checkout that u would like us to combine shipping with the swirly glitter weenies i just know u will score because we made like a ton of them. because every dollar saved now is a bog of gummy worms purchased later. :)

b :)

Friday, February 3, 2017

brought 2 u by baxter & duk duk: tiny journals for big ideas

hee hee, okay okay, u got me, duk duk. but i cannot help it if they are wet.  it is the price a wolf must pay for digging in the back yard. and yes, mom thinks i need a nail job but let's not remind her, okay, dukkie who did u know what u know where but mom has not found out yet? anyhoo, i sure am glad auntie robin showed us how to do coptic book binding last week during her visit, dontchoo, duk duk?

i mean, the results speak for themselves really. and whoda thunk that the scraps mom let us use, and the old benjy thrifty store book mom let us cut up, and the papers from the scrap exchange, well, i mean whoda thunk that all that stuff would make the perfect size book for o, u know, tiny journaling, or for keeping secrets like our passwords, or well anything really.  plus u do not have to worry about mysterioso battery power drain like it still seems to be the case with our iphoneys.  yeah, that really stunk when my iphoney died before i could get that picture. i mean it had to be the biggest pile of - hang on i think i hear mom..

yes, mother, we are putting the last finishing touches on them now and i promise we will post them to etsy before we go to toyfriend cl-, i mean,  before we go out to the creek for our study group. okay, have fun at the grocery store and if u do not mind can u please pick up some puppy bites for lil pink puppy? i forgot to get it yesterday and lil pink puppy is almost out and u know how he gets if we feed him gummy worms.   bye bye, we love u too...

okay, where were we?


oh yes, i am so glad our new letter stamping kit came finally. because really, even when the pages of a book are blank, it still deserves a title, right? that way in case u r having a hard time coming up with the words inside, the title is always there to inspire. 

well, okey dokey, duk duk, time to work on our etsy posts! :)

(ps we only have three books this time so we will be posting them as random serendipity doots :) )

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

something pretty this way comes :)

well mom, here, see? wolves can too use them. like this...

it is quite comfortable really.  especially for, u know, after a long day of digging, or,  say to warm your paws after a cold poopie outside. u know, stuff like that. and the purple flower stink i smell is actually quite relaxing when it is not in the form of a b-a-t-h. i have 2 say, i really like it!

but, if u insist, me and duk duk will write the etsy listings the way u would like and do everything u want. ..

...only, i am not exactly sure i can model them properly for pictures. :)


(hee hee, doot doot! come treat yourself to some lovely lavender and rice filled eye pillows by visiting our kalyxcraftopia etsy shop today! :) #notintendedforlittlewolvesorfalcons  #butperfectfortheirmamasandpapas)

Monday, January 16, 2017

etsy fresh: be still my beating heart

Well, real life got a little busy today so tiny chumley and I didn't finish all we wanted to today, but hooray - we did get to post our latest super cute and super wolfy valentine's day card,  which you can totally score here :)

Hopefully there will be a few more handmade goodies listing later this week so as baxter would say, stay tuned, my friends!! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

cyber brown wednesday is today and there will be two doots :)

dear diary,
today is the day me and duk duk have been waiting for forever as far as cyber brown wednesday goes, and so I thought I would show u the things we will be putting in our shop today and tell you that we will be doing it in two doots, one in the mid morning during our lunchy lunch, and one in the late evening so that way we can stay up late and have a midnight snackie.

there are plenty of things i would like to tell you about our doots, but really we spent so much time writing our listings that i am pooped.  but i do want to tell u that even if u do not score a three wise poops, i hope that u might take the time to read one of those listings because we included an early draft excerpt from the companion book we hope to be working on soon (but probably not soon enough for christmas because seriously, after this we really have to focus on making at least a few christmas ornaments like we promised).

anyhow, i hope u had a wonderful thanksgiving and a dootiful day, and like i like to tell duk duk every day after third period when we have to split up for gym class, "smell u later my friend!"


PS - here is a link to my mom's etsy shop where u will find everything at the appointed times (or at least close to it bc the first time we will have to hunt and peck thru our listings to make sure the right ones are activated.)

PPS - if u missed out on a regular teeny weenie christmas tree or are looking for a block one please do not worry we will be making more eventually :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

under the bus

no,mom, i do not think duk duk needs a bath anymore than i d-oooOOOooooOooOooooOoo! um, u know, he has been a little smellier than usual. is that snackie for menu any chance?? :)

(psst - if u missed out on our last #teenyweeniexmastreeevent we are planning another megadoot this friday november 18th at 8:00 pm eastern standard time and will also have some secret and surprise mini doots whenever too so be on the lookout! and, if u r wondering if we will be making a weenie ornament for the tree, the answer is yeppies but it will not debut til after thanksgiving for easily foreseen but ultimately inevitable reasons. and they will probably be in very limited supply this year bc we really want to take our time making each and every one :) )

Monday, November 7, 2016

wooty wednesday :)

dear diary,
something tells me that after this tuesday, no matter how things turn out, we all will be ready for a major dose of fun.  so me and duk duk have decided to officially offer our first batch of super cool teeny weenie christmas trees on what we will be calling Wooty Wednesday.  and, because we know how different people are able to log on at different times, we will be splitting our litter into two, and half of our puppy trees will be available in our kalyxcraftopia  Etsy shop at 4:00PM EST, and the other half will be available at 11:00PM EST.

 here is a peek at all we made so far and looky, we have decorated trees and plain trees and short trees and tall trees in every pretty combination u can think of!  and, if u squint very closely, u can see that all our tree puppies have teeny tiny swarovski crystal red noses. except for the im just a teeny weenie on a stand ones, which can still come with a red crystal nose if u order it that way because me and duk duk decided to try and test out using the variation feature on that listing.

speaking of trying out new things, we also converted a lot of our items including our teeny weenie trees to use calculated shipping, which hopefully will improve the accuracy of the shipping charge for your order.  but if for some reason it is still wonky, rest assured me and duk duk will refund the shipping overage when your package is mailed.

okay, so, i should probably go because we still have a lot of work to do.

b. :)

ps - while u r waiting please feel free to browse our extensive dachshund cute christmas and holiday cards and see if u can spot our latest card too! (hint, think me + rudolph) :)

Friday, November 4, 2016

bum ba da dum (#soonThereWillBeDoot mix)

Hee hee, tiny chumley and I will be busy this weekend, and thanks to a certain little wolf and falcon's mad video skills, here's a peek at why. :) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

kalyx craft opia :)

hee hee, yeah, duk duk, my head is still spinning too. and we have not even eaten today's candy serving yet.  i am not really certain mom understands the likelihood of our being able to satisfactorily complete our soap packaging task given our post-halloween candy consumption schedule for the next few weeks. i mean, we used math and everything to figure out precise and increasing dosages of candy to get us buzzier and buzzier until finally, hopefully by thanksgiving, we can stuff our tummies til they burst and glide straight into a post-feastocalyptic coma. state of which hopefully will make most of december bearable until, yay christmas! 

anyhow, i guess we should get on with things.  this first impression we made with our new custom wax stamp turned out pretty nice, didn't it?but maybe we should move it over here and....oh, yeah, i see your point.  how did i not even think of that first? okay, let me ask her...

mom, did u happen to buy any brown wax by any chance? :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

pirate quality assurance

..hee hee, okay duk duk take your time getting the shipping box from the garage because this pirate's gotta arrrrrr! arrrrrr! arrrrrrr! arrrrrrr! arrr-

oh why, hello, mother.  yes, do not worry me and duk duk promise to pack and ship this special order puppy pirate hat out today. I was just testing it to make sure the puppy could still wear it even when he is full grown.  see? it may not be as big as our regular sized hat, but it is still equally adorable, dontchoo think, mom?  :) 

(psst - if you are interested in getting an adorable pirate hat for your tiny tennis ball sized noggin wolf, tiny chumley and  I made two extra and they can be found in the shop in the links below)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

etsy fresh: hello my friend summer fun postcard ocho pack :)

dear diary,
sometimes the best of plans gets pooped on by factors outside your control. like me and duk duk's latest top secret, very ferocious rainbow Smelly project for our etsy shop?  totally rescheduled to the cooler shipping months of fall. because, well, i cannot tell you much about that on account of our product being top secret.  but, we are happy to tell you that in the meanwhile,  we restocked mom's shop with our  first Smelly project, the tiny reed diffuser ambient aroma experience set! so if u missed out or if u just realized u had more places to smell that u originally thought, or maybe if u realized a friend might like or need one too, or were maybe u were wondering what falcon burps and wolf paws smell like, now is the time to score it.

 oh! and, if your summer has been kind of going like ours and if it's not been one thing it's another and next thing u know here it is the middle of summer and u haven't even crossed off a third of your summer fun list yet?  well, maybe it is time to put away that list and just have some simple ez-pz fun.  like, well, u know, besides sniffing our tiny diffuser set, maybe u want to catch up with family and friends by sending them a cute hello. or, maybe u can ez-pz redecorate your personal space like we did for mom, with the super cool cards from the special new set we just added to our shop, the  hello my friend summer fun postcard ocho pack.  we call it ocho  because u get eight, and it includes seven of the gifty postcards we have sent out in the past with our orders, plus a super cool new one that me and duk duk made just for this set. i like to think of the ocho pack as a study in wolfiness, because this set of postcards pretty much shows me from when i was a little red wigglepup, all the way thru to the wolf that i am today. but whether or not u display them in chronological order or jumble them to meet some other design criteria, or whether or not u send them to friends or keep them, or maybe write some friends and keep some postcards? well whether or not u do any of that is entirely up to you. which is just how summer should be.

well diary, it has been fun catching up with you and i hope u will consider enjoying the new goods we put in mom's kalyxcraftopia etsy shop,  but i regretfully must bid u adieu so me and duk duk can call chocobot and convince him to come home before thor comes thru yesterday's rainbow portal  and gives us a hard time about the whole poopin a loki and thor me shebang.  it is not even really that we are concerned that his visit is justified or that he might use his hammer on us, so much as it is his breath stinks way more than u think it would cuz he's like, a zillion years old, and pretty much the only thing u can do to keep from passing out is hope that he doesn't realize the only reason u have a unicorn in the room is to hope that your unicorn will rainbow foofie just enough to neutralize said breath without him noticing else he might get provoked into a super long monologue about respect and power and blah blah blah and then you're like, okay, thor, please, keep going but we've been talking so long i really need to make a poopie snake so i will be right back. but when you're outside you're like, uh oh, dang, feels like i got a loki hangin. but u can't ask your dad to thor me with thor around, so u walk back in all dainty like hoping thor won't notice your dingly dangly or the o-d-o-r.   which u actially gte away with but just as thor's wrapping up,  your mom walks in and she's like, two sniffs in the air and says, hey, who pooped a loki?? and where's that incredibly foul breathy smell coming from? and then we all get thored by thor some more.

b :)

Friday, May 13, 2016

etsy fresh: Flower Power Happy Hound Doxie Birthday Hats are back!!

Woohoo! This year's girly floral batch of happy hound doxie birthday hats are finally in the Etsy shop, with more wolfy boy and tomboy ones to follow hopefully in a few weeks. The format for the listings are slightly different this year.  There are three different U Pick listings - 12 floral hats in total (flowerbatch 1, flowerbatch 2, and flowerbatch 3) which seem only fitting since they are flower hats and flowers of course were meant to be picked! 

As supplies last and time permits, I hope I can update the listings with tiny chumley modeling them, but for the near future at least, the little kielbasa will continue serving in a supervisory role here in makey world, baking in the sun and emitting the fragrance of fresh baked foofies and frito pie.  :)

hee hee, mom, that's right, u just keep making things and i will just fall a..i will just fall...i..will...zzzzzzzzz :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

je suis un loup

oooOOOoooOOoooo, classic breton stripes! and a dapper dyed red silk scarf and hand blocked cashmere beret, all in me size! i guess u are right mom, with all this stuff u made, we will not need the plan b outfit for our card project at all!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

the smelly, the quick, and the dooty :)

...(sniff sniff..snort...sniff sniff sniff sniff...snort......sniff.....sniff sniff sniff.. snort.........sniff....sniff)...

yes, mom.... (sniff sniff).....i think ...(sniff)......i think........

yes, mom, i think that's the one :)

Hee hee, some things are taken very seriously in tiny chumley's little world.  Especially smell, which seems to make up a very large part of his sensorial existence.  There are all kinds of smells in his world, good smells that smell bad and bad smells that smell good.  Smells to chase, smells to eat, smells to be proude of and share with others, and even smells to play games with.  Hardly a moment goes by where tiny chumley's nose isn't eagerly taking in the world around him through his sniffer, so it seems only fitting that a certain little wannabe wolf and falcon would take it upon themselves with a little help from their mom to make one of their wildest makey dreams come true,  so the rest of the world can experience it with them too.

The world is a much better place when seen through the eyes of an imaginative little dachshund and his toyfriends.  And now it will smell better, too.  :)

ps - to find out more and purchase the newest smelly addition to our shop, please be sure to check in any time after our 9:00 AM EST dooty call -->


Monday, February 8, 2016

the here and now

dear diary,
i am happy to write u and tell u that although me and duk duk's much anticipated first top secret makey project of 2016 is not yet available in our kalyxcraftopia etsy world, it will be hopefully very soon once the sun comes out and we can take pictures and work on our awesome listing.  in the meanwhile, i am also happy to write that me and duk duk expanded our card portfolio in a very royal way this past weekend with the addition of a new supercool birthday card , plus a new mother's day card and a new father's day card.  which is pretty perfect because just about everybuddy's birthday is always coming up and of course mother's day and father's day are coming up too.  u might find the cards interesting because u can see what a difference four years makes in my wolfiness.  but do not be afraid because even after fully transform into a wolf which is still probably a few years off,  i will still be me, only rawwrryer.  

speaking of rawwwryness, i have asked mom to work with me on my patience and timing because as u know, to be a skilled and successful predator, wolf needs quite a lot of patience to know exactly when to really spring out of the woods and pounce on his prey.  needless to say, these patience tests are a difficult task, but one worthy of completion if one is to become a true and successful wolf.   i will keep u informed of my progress.

b. :)

...okay, now, mom? now? um, now?...

Monday, February 1, 2016

unseasonably yours

A frozen shoulder has limited my makey abilities in recent times, but thanks to the magic fingers of my physical therapy team, my shoulder and my spirits have become functional enough to allow me to work on our latest top secret makey project, the results of which I know a certain little wannabe wolf and falcon are anxious to introduce to the world and put in the shop for all to experience.

With any luck, tiny chumley and duk duk will send out a doot later this week or sometime next.  But for now, all they can do is patiently wait, and they can bask in the sunshine streaming through the open window of an unseasonably warm winter day. :)

hee hee, pheeeeeeeew. okay yeah that was me, duk duk.  good thing mom opened the window. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

cyber brown Wednesday dootage :)

dear diary, 
sometimes when u juggle family time and makey time, as a shop owner u miss out on the usual doot times for this time of year. like, u know, Black Friday and cyber Monday and stuff like that. which is why me and duk duk thought it would be a good idea to come up with our own special shopiday, cyber brown Wednesday! this year, not only do we welcome the return of our first teeny tiny book, the poop on the stoop, plus its companion robot doxie poop ornament, but we will also be putting these pretty etched necklaces u see below up for adoption.  plus if we are able to make the listings in time,  possibly some more teeny tiny doxie treasure boxes, and a very special limited edition surprise which hopefully we can preview for u later today on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter. o and do not forget also our #everydollarcounts súper budgety dachshund desk calendar challenge which expires today, where just by simply ordering one calendar listing or the other, you can decide to whether to save a dollar, or donate that dollar u would have saved  to the organization that rescued me, dachshund rescue of North America. and speaking of rescues, me and duk duk also donated to the mwdr auction a very pretty enameled doxie necklace in a our very special new color - transparent French lavender purple! I know, there are so many chances for wooty, right? not to mention later this week we hope to finish enameling more necklaces and get them in the shop hopefully next week, in case u r unable to eBay bid on the mwdr one or if u miss out on our cyber brown litter. 

well diary, I do not know about you but I really am very excited about cyber brown Wednesday and I should probably go so I can help mom with a few things before we go to school. and I just, u know, need to check on something.

b :)

hee hee, o nothing mom.  u know I know that u know I know that u know that I know Santa knows that he knows I know. and I know that duk duk knows that he knows I know Santa knows duk duk knows. so really, even though I did not need to know, I just thought I would check and make sure they were all still there :)