Showing posts with label roaming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roaming. Show all posts

Friday, October 10, 2014

the beach is very windy

dear diary, 
unfortunately me and duk duk really really need to work on our essay before it gets any larger so I will make today's report about my visit to the beach short  and show u a supercool picture and some more videos of me at  the beach. I hope u enjoy them very much and I hope u have a very cool weekend. 
b :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

girls stand over there no matter where they are

Hello it's me, Baxter your roving reporter reporting to you again today from the beach, which I visited for the very first time with my mom and dad this past weekend. Today I am wearing my annoyed face, because nobuddy told me I was coming and nobuddy for sure told me that there would be dogs on the beach. Girl dogs in particular, that neither mind their own business or know where to stand. 

Here is the girl that came long after we set up on the beach. 

She kept getting me in trouble because she had one of those extendo leashes and I had to keep keep telling her where to stand.  But at least she was on a leash like she was supposed to be which is more than I can say for that big dog that nearly caused me to poop the entire contents of my esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, alimentary canal, and colon too.  That big dog tried to run up to me and dad picked me up before I could send out the poop signal. Pretty sure he was brewing friendly but, well u just never know so better evacupooped than sorry. 

Anyhoo, going to the beach is very informative because it also reaffirmed my belief that in a world of Caladan fishes and dune sand worms, I would definitely be a sandworm. A sand worm knows better than to let the ocean touch your body  and that pretty much summed up my interest in those giant waves that could wash me and wash me away. I will take a paw wash any day over trying to wade in that big ocean and get lost, thank you. 

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a very happy Wednesday! :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

meet me at the planetary intersection of Caladan and Dune

Hello my friends, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, interrupting me and duk duk's super cool poobery award winning monster short story series with a very special report this week on my trip this past weekend to the beach. Which I did not even know I was taking until I got out of mom and dad's car and I'm like, water and sand everywhere - did the space guild accidentally fold Caladan and Dune together?? 

Anyhow, this was my first visit to the beach and I will do my best to report to you all the highlights of my trip on my next two posts because today is Monday and not only do me and duk duk have a ninety page essay to write in the next ten minutes, but we also have to pack our lunchy lunches and figure out how to pull a hefty bag full of wet sand and seaweed to school, which will be especially hard since our pedal car does not have a hitch.  This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a very happy sandweenie Monday!! :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

video cuteness: cash n carry

dear diary,
even though it is superfun for me and duk duk to take my pedal car and pedal to the pet store ourselves, sometimes i think it is also very nice to go to the pet store with mom and dad, mostly because when me and duk duk go, we eat all our gummy worms on the way over and by the time we get there, we can never afford anything. and when me and mom and dad go like we did the other day, they give me cash so i can buy a bag of snackies and then i carry it to the car all by myself.

anyhoo, i must go now so i can ask mom if she will make me a pair of cargo pants that i can wear to school that has extra extra big pockets. that way, well, let's just say some movies have the best ideas. toodleydoo! b. :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

while we are waiting for frenchy fries :)




okay dad, guess it. 

hee hee nope. a drooly stinky snorey basset sleeping on his back! your turn! :) :)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

teeny tiny viney videos: #petstorescore

Vine is usually just a raw playground for tiny chumley's videos, but this series of vines featuring tiny chumley carrying his new snackies to the car from yesterday's visit to the pet store were so cute, they deserved its own little place our happy blog history.  :) #petstorescore

Saturday, May 17, 2014

i went to the swirly queen :)

hee hee make mine a banilla wafer sundae with strawberries and gummy worms on top please! :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

lunchy lunch al fresco with an only dog: bacio alla francese :)



hee hee, see mom, no matter how hard i try not to, it always turn out frenchy style! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

yesterday i went to the hardware store :)

oooh goody, i smell cow poopie.  are we at a farm maybe? no wait, i smell flowers, and mulch, and hmmmm...power tools!  i know where we are! i wonder if they still have the tiny hot tub and the shiny disco lights that me and duk duk want to install in our back-...what? why, yes, mom i promise to stay in the cart and be very good.

be vewy quiet. this is not the dachshund u are looking for. i am not in this cart. u do not see me.  u do not smell me. this cart is empty. there is nothing but dirt and stinky flowers in this cart...and soon i hope some cherry tomato plants. but u will not see those either...move along. there is nothing 2 see here. 

hee hee hee, choo chooooo! chooo chooo! all checked out and ready to board the P & S Poopie Snake Express! next stop the pet store and then if i am lucky, the chikky fil-a! chooo choooo! chugga chugga, chugga chugga - choo choooo!

okay, mom, if u just leave the cart here i will load everything for u and if u want, i can even take us to our next stop! well, i mean after we stop by school to pick up r2duk2 and 3lulu-poopCO. and chocobacca and princess pinkpuppy.  chooo chooo! :) :)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

a nice day at the mall :)

hee hee, okay mom, i do not see any signs saying we cannot so let's do it!! 


okay may we please go to the apple store now so i can get duk duk a new iphoney case for his birthday, and then maybe go to the pet store for snackies? :) :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

tiny viney rewindy videos: jaunty

There are times when I wonder what will come of all our posts here in cyberspace many years from now.  All our pictures and videos of the things we have done and places we have gone, and all the conversations about things both monumental and mundane. 

As much as I wish it wouldn't, I think at some point, our conversations here in cyberspace will inevitably fragment,  and the words and meaning that we meant to be included with our images will part ways with each other, drifting apart on random and meandering magnetic journey.  I can only hope as the years go by long after Baxter is gone and my little boy's image surface and resurface like a buoy in the ocean, that all who see him will know, he was and always will be a happy and very much loved little boy, not only by us, but all of you.   Thank you, my friends, for all your kind birthday wishes.  And I certainly hope that there will be many many more birthdays to celebrate :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

scenes from lunch with an only dog: punch line

 hey mom, what can fill a room and empty it all at the same time?

hee hee, nope.


nope and nope!  here, lemme just tell u...


heee hee hee hee hee hee heee hee heee hee heeeeee!

want me to tell u another joke? :) :)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

the enchanted forest :)

Hey, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter, reporting to you today about some the wonderful things I saw on my 5 mile hike through the enchanted forest ...

...Like trees that were kissing and woodpeckers that were totally made of wood..

..and bark that grew words on them and trees that grew sideways before growing upright.  And skeletony bone root fingers growing on the surface of the ground like giant hands preparing to reach our and grab you.

In fact, there were so many cool things to see in the enchanted forest, I can hardly understand why some people might think the most enchanting thing to see was this, just outside the enchanted forest...

Hee hee, I did not stay in it for long by the way.  There were too many things to sniff. Like, um, this

Anyhoo, my hike the enchanted forest was very nice and I hope u would consider taking one too very soony soon!  This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you a supertastic Saturday! :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

p is for pooped

Hee hee, today's forecast? Pooped with slight chance of yawn. :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Well hello my friends, it's me Baxter, your roving rover reporter. Today I am reporting to you on scenes from my super fun visit to the Dachtoberfest, and I am doing it completely from my iPhoney, so u know, things will look like they look. Are u ready? Okay here we go..

First all u know there is always wonderful shopping for doxie stuff. This nice lady has an etsy shop whose name I will have to get u later because I left our bag in the car, but for sure mom says u will want to know it because her work is very nice and well priced. 

These are some lovely doxie ornaments and in retrospect maybe I should have gotten mom the felty one so we could put it on my tree.  oopsie. But I will tell you why it was so easy to forget in just a moment. 

So it is very easy to forget about things because as u might imagine, there are plenty of tushies to sniff! I posted this on Instagram yesterday. 

And here is a new picture of some other new and supercute friends I made. I do not know their names but I know their tushies smelled wonderful.  And I think I smelled pretty good to them. :) 

There was a lovely exhibit that I would highly recommend and let me just give u a tiny peek at its super awesomeness.

Hee hee yup that's right, a plastic poop display at the pooper picker upper people booth! it was missing a few of the more advanced forms like flying crane and the arrow anaconda but it was still nice to see mushy pretzel and swirlyqueen. The only thing that would have made it better is if the items were scratch and sniff. 

So unfortunately I could not stay for the dachshund races because I wanted to visit my friends madwilly and honeybear and Sammy but I did get to see another race.  Well, a practice race but the kind where u r only racing yourself and it was very captivating. 

Unfortunately he did not poop otherwise I would have reported on that too because I am certain it would have been both massive and delightful. 

So, anyway, that it my report from dachtoberfest and I just wanted to leave you with thus one last thought. If you are thinking of going to one, you should definitely go because you will most certainly have a tail wagging, tushie sniffing good time!  

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter wishing you the sunniest of Sundays! :)

Monday, September 9, 2013

video cuteness: i went to the pet store

dear diary,
even though my tushie feels very exposed when i go to the pet store, i still think it is worth going. especially when mom n dad buy me a bag of snackies i can carry out all by myself. 

b. :)

Saturday, September 7, 2013

treasure map

Sometimes all a little boy can do to help his friends doing yardwork is sit out of the way in a lawn chair and shout out a little friendly advice..

hey Henry and uncle dana, do not forget to use the poopie snake map I drew for u when u are ready to start clearing weds by the garden! there are some pretty ferocious ones in there if u know what I mean!  

Friday, September 6, 2013

me, my selfie and I

dear diary,
did u ever have one of those days where u woke up and thought u were going to school but next thing u know u r in the back seat of your mom's car sitting in your snoozer posting selfies of yourself while helping your friend henry gumption get home while your dukfriend still has to go to school? yep, I thought so.

b :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

camp poopawaka

mom, when dad, henry, n madwilly get back from canoeing, do u think maybe we could build a campfire and make some s'poops? :):)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

day at the beach :)

The real tiny chumley had to stay at home while I went to the beach with madwilly yesterday, but lucky for us, plastic baxter and rubber duk duk joined in on the fun,  and even helped us build a pair of sand chumleys :)

hey, duk duk, what a great idea u had turning us into tiny plastic and rubber toys so we could join mom n madwilly at the beach! let's help mom n madwilly make some sand doxies!!

ooh that was fun! let's do another one!

hey after this do u want to sniff by the pier for seagull poop?  i know i sure do!!

yippee all done! last one to the pier is a rotten poopie snake! :)