Saturday, June 25, 2011


Well hello, it's me, Baxter, your roving rover reporter.  I haven't reported on much lately but mostly it's because I was busy with school and then the stork left us with a new puppy named lil pink puppy  and he has been keepin me n duk duk busy, and now because we are trying to catch a unicorn in time for unicorn appreciation day.  Speaking of which, today we are going to try this tasty new watermelon rind plate because our first two plates of goodies did not work well at all.

You know it seems like there is an awful lot of watermelon on that plate
for just one unicorn...

Nope, I am not going to go there. Nope, nosirree.  We need every bit of that for the unic...hey is that the unicorn I see right over there???

(nibbley nibbley nibbleypoo)

Well, folks, I am not sure what exactly happened but we seem to have lost all the watermelons on our bait plate. This is me, Baxter, your roving roving reporter signing off so I can look into this great mystery and ask if my mom n dad will have watermelon again tonight so we can refill our plate and catch our unicorn! :)


Hannalei said...

(nibbley nibbley nibbleypoo) <---- I laughed... I laughed greatly. You crack me up. :)

HH and The Boys said...

Oh oh... I wonder where the watermelon went. I mean it was there a minute ago... Get back to us when you solve the mystery, Baxter.... hee hee.

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

Well, it would seem that this attempt didn't work, either... silly unicorns, they don't know when to stop playing hide and seek! ;)

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Perhaps it was snapped up by:
a green alligator or
a chimpanzee or
a humpty back camel or.....

Alicia said...

Clever diversionary tactic, spying the unicorn at the last second. Yes, clever. It was as if I was in your brain at that moment...



kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u miss hannalei! but i am sorry i made cracks in u - i hope u do not leak or anything! :)

ooh max, maybe the unicorn was so fast that he ate it when we were not looking!

miss taylor, u know i was just thinkin when i was writing max that maybe our unicorn has the super power of speed! instead of naming him tina when we catch him maybe we can call him flash!

hee hee, oh yes frankie, that is totally it! and we must catch them too so we can have a very nice zoo! :) :)

hee hee, whatchoo talkin bout oskar? :) :)

Jasper + Amy said...

Hey Baxter, what happened to all the watermelon?? My mom says maybe you could try some other fruits since the sneaky unicorn ate all the watermelon, maybe he'll like other fruit. I like bananas, apples, peaches & strawberries, maybe if you put out a plate of some of those you might get some..... I mean, you might get a unicorn:)

Got luck!! Jasper

Melinda said...

Lol ~ hmmmm, what a mystery? Is that watermelon juice I see on your chin Baxter? ;)

kalyxcorn said...

oooh miss amy, my mom just got some bananas too! i will ask her if i - i mean the unicorn can have some!

whatchoo talkin bout miss simply smitten? :)

sio said...

The boys are bummed - they were hoping to see a watermelon seed spitting contest between you, duk duk and the unicorn!