dear diary,
some say duks have all the luck but after yesterday i think unicorns have all the luck too cuz checky checky who chocobot is friends with - circus bears! and i know because they came to visit us yesterday cuz they had not heard from chocobot in a while and then he explained how we caught him for unicorn appreciation day and how he had so much fun that he decided to stay a while and how he would have called to tell everybuddy he was going to be gone for a while but the day we caught him he had gone out without his phone cuz it was still charging and he smelled glitter and well nothing gets between a unicorn and glitter right and then he asked how they found him and they said that all they had to do was follow the trail of glittery poo and we all laughed. because it is so true. and then lil pink puppy looks into their cart and says hey is that a circus cannon? and mama accordion bear said yes and starts to cry a little because she said they have not been able to put on a circus for weeks because guitar bear hurt his foot and could not be in the cannon and nobuddy wants to come see a circus without a circus cannon and before she says another word we all see a flash of pink and green before our eyes and then we see this!
let's put on a show! said lil pink puppy from inside the cannon.
and of course everybuddy thought it was a swell idea and mama accordion bear was so happy she stopped crying and after me n duk duk drew straws to see who would get to do the trapeze act and after agreed that i would get to be the lion and he could be the lion tamer, we helped unpack the circus bears' wagon and put on our costumes and next thing u know we were all pretty much set up for our very own circus!!
hee hee, yeah u know what we are going to be doing today diary. step right up ladies and gentlemen to the greatest show on earth!! :)
b. :)
oooooh, how i wish i could visit your show! seems you have had a lot of fun the last few days.
and when someone gets hurt, just give me a call. i will do the nursing! :) but hopefully you won't call. which is happy for you, but sad for me.
dachshund kiss
aw pia thank u and i hope nobuddy gets hurt though thankfully most of us r made of stuffing and mom says that is easy 2 fix! :) b
Will you have popcorn and cotton candy! Cuz, if so, the boys will right over!
well miss siol, hee hee, let's just say we HAD popcorn and cotton kibble and leave it at that if u know what i mean! :0 b
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