oh where oh where have my stuffed toys gone?
oh where oh where could they be?
with their wings chewed off and their stuffing all gone
oh where oh where can they be?
- baxter, 2.6 years old, bored and bummed that duk duk and hedgehog are back in the toy drawer til they can be mended
Oh, you poor thing! Can't your Mom at least let you have 1 toy? Or maybe a ham bone to chew on? Geez! We are gonna have to get going on the Dachshund Domination so we don't have to wait on these silly humans to do things for us....just think, we would be able to have whatever we wanted!
Love and hugs, handsome!
i have tons of toys but the ones i want are the ones i can't have! what up with that??? luv, b
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