Monday, August 31, 2009

Ramswaggled! Breaking News from The Smoking Tail

The Smoking Tail has just confirmed reports that the toyfling posing as Mr Ropey Ramjet was indeed, not Mr Ramjet. "We think we know who the impostor is," said the real Ropey Ramjet. "He is Sheepy. Santa left him at our house at Christmas. Sheepy was always sort of a loner and gave out mixed signals if ya know what I mean. He never really made an effort to get to know any of us and yet he expected everyone to talk to him even though he wasn't very squeaky himself. None of us really wanted to play with him. Except for Baxter. Baxter's the kind of dog that likes to make sure all his toyfriends get special time and so he would play with Sheepy occasionally even though he wasn't very squeaky. Something must have made Sheepy snap, though. He went missing a couple of weeks ago and now I realize he wasn't just hanging out in the toy drawer waiting to be mended. This was the last picture we had of him before he left and apparently started working with the pupperazzi to spread all the recent rumors about Baxter."

Despite the problems that Sheepy's actions have caused, Ramjet went on to say that no charges would be pursued against the wooly impostor. "All we want is to bring the gang back together. Yeah we weren't very nice to Sheepy and we regret it. We want him to know that we miss him and are willing to play with him as the toyfriend that he is to all of us."

Baxter, seen here with Ramjet in this freshly released photo, was unavailable for interview but managed to release this statement before being told to go to bed by his mom. "I want to thank all my loyal friends who stood beside me throughout this roller coaster of events. It hasn't been easy, but all of you believed in me and I really appreciate it. I'm a little short on time so I just want to say that I've asked Duk Duk to put together a press conference in the near future so we can set the record straight on some of the questions that were raised by recent allegations and photos. And lastly, Mr Sheepy, if you are reading this, please come home!"


Lorenza said...

I hope Mr. Sheepy reads your post!
Kisses and hugs