Sunday, October 18, 2009

mr. kool & the gang

dear diary,
guess what! yep, that's right it was playgroup time again on Saturday! my buddies apollo, lilly and marshall, and schatze the black and tan that's about as big as me were all there. plus i met some REALLY interesting new playbuddies, too. first there was diego, carlos, and manolo. manolo and carlos are chocolate dapples that look pretty much the same only carlos is a mini and manolo is a tweenie. manolo likes to play fetch so much that his mom's friend had to hide the ball in her pocket just so manolo would play with the rest of us. manolo's a purebred doxie but i sure thought he had retriever in him, as much as he liked to fetch balls. diego is the really cool lookin piebald that reminds me of wishbone. they were all really nice and their mom gave out cookies!!! how could u not luv that?? i also met up with up for adoption pups jango, a tweenie dapple who was a recent surrender cuz he bit somebody but he was fine here, and willhelm, a wheelchair bound buddy that i first met at the mid-atlantic doxie fest.

now, diary, between you and me, don't tell anybody but i sorta embarrassed myself when this other new pair of new buddies came into the park. you see, they were wirehair doxies which i don't see very often. the way their hair was cut, they reminded me of this schnauzer i like to bark at here at home. so i barked at that really big one cuz i thought he wasn't one of us. mom made me stop cuz she didn't want me scarin him and once i realized he was a doxie i settled down. it was a good thing i did, too, cuz i'm pretty sure he could totally take me if he wasn't so mellow. after i got over myself, he told me his name was pepper and we exchanged butt sniffs. there aren't many doxies in my neck of the woods that are biggern me but that there Pepper is one of them and i just HAD to show you. he was so big, when mom crouched down to get some lovin from him, he almost knocked her over! mom says he weighs 32 pounds and he's not even chubby like i was when i weighed 23 pounds. totally cool.

this is me playin with apollo again. mom kinda had to kick start me halfway through but other than that what can I say? i just couldn't help myself! apollo is my chasin buddy.

all in all i had a really good time, but i really need to talk to mom and dad about this whole bath after playtime thing. it sorta dampens the whole experience, know what i mean? oh well, at least they don't make me stinky before playgroup. if i went in there smellin like a flower, well i just don't know what i would do with myself except maybe go hide in a corner. a dog's got a reputation to maintain, u know?



Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
Sure you had a pawesome day at the park with your friends! Old and new ones!
I'd be confused too about Pepper! Glad everything went well after all that barking!
Kisses and hugs

Brindusa (Brinda Dasha) said...

Well, you definitely have awesome friends. Very nice colored, too. And real spinning tops.

Taffy said...

You sure Pepper is all doxie? You certainly the most handsome dog at the park!

kalyxcorn said...

gawrsh i'm blushing :)

i really like the spinning top doxies - they keep me on my toes!