Wednesday, October 14, 2009

dapper doxie wear: oskar's winter fabrics

Today's post is for Oskar, a super chipper mini black and tan fella whose mom has requested custom winter and summer harnesses. I've sent his mom a prototype based on his measurements and pulled some fabrics here that might be winter wonderful for a black and tan. Would a chocolate and light turquoise babywale corduroy houndstooth with brown binding and red necktie silk accent be cool? Or would a cozy plaid woolen cut on the bias and bound in a solid be Oskar's thing? A golden widewale with bias cut dark plaid binding that might could pass him off as a Steelers fan? Maybe one of the others? We'll see what wags Oskar's tail for his winter fabric selection.

I want to thank Oskar's mom for picking me to make something magical for her vivacious vienna sausage, because I know choosing me to make a harness is not a choice everybody should make. I'm not in this to build an empire, I'm not here to undercut the competition or even complete with them. Choosing me is like walking blind down a dark hallway, but knowing that at the end, that there will be light. I understand why folks might choose a ready made option. All that's pictured here are fabrics. The leap of faith is not for everyone. But for those who take it, the reward will be waiting.

In future posts: oskar's summer fabric options, and finished product.


Alicia said...

Oskar wagged his tail as he looked at the pictures of fabrics.
"You know mom, I'd look good in any of these options", he opined.
"Yes", I said, "But you can't have everything, so let's pick something really special."
Oskar twisted his head and sniffed as I pointed out two favorite choices.
"I'm a good dog, and I don't get alot of respect from most of the other canines in our 'hood. Would you mind paying for two nice vests for me please?", he asked.
"Sure buddy, I'll buy two of them as long as Baxter's mom is OK with that. Oh, and not a word about this to Dad." I replied.
"Thanks Mom!!"

We choose the Blue/Winter white Houndstooth Plaid bound in blue denim.
Gold widewale cord and dark navy bias cut plaid binding.

What do you think Baxter?

The blue/chocolate houndstooth is also fab. So many great fabrics!

Lorenza said...

I can't wait to se Oscar wearing it!
I know you are going to make a pawesome job!
Kisses and hugs