Sunday, October 25, 2009

the lessons of time

An ear piercing cry came from our little kielbasa this morning as dad gently started unearthing Baxter from deep beneath our covers. I suppose we needed the reminder that our little boy has not yet healed after all, that time still taunts our patience like a chittering squirrel just out of reach.

So many questions now race through my mind, at speeds much faster than time will allow me to find answers for them. I sit here now and stew, ever so impatiently, unwilling to let the obvious and practical distract me from my futile quest for immediate resolution.

I can see why time had to teach me a lesson. Why time had to put me back in my place. Only three days since his tail was first tucked, I miss scoopable Baxter. I miss the cuddly boy I can pick up without thinking, without causing accidental pain. I want my bouncy boy back. I want my boy better. Now.

And so I relent to time's teaching this Sunday morning. Quietly wait, I must, just as Baxter already knew to do. Tiny chumley's tail hangs today like the question mark that resides in both our minds. Not quite pained, yet not quite relaxed, we both wait to see how this story will unfold. I think we can all use a steaming pile of laundry this fine autumn day.


old lady said...

It's just like when children are sick and can't tell you what/where it hurts. Forced rest to a doxie is not fun! Wishing Baxter warm blankets and fast recovery.

Alicia said...

We are familiar with that piercing cry and our hearts go out to y'all. Baxter's relief and your answers just can't come fast enough, and that frustration builds to a point where nobody is happy.

Baxter knows that he is loved!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. Sad eyes there.

Rowdy and Bette said...

Poor Baxter. It's so hard when our little friends are in pain. Can you sign up for the dodgerslist Yahoo group and ask them if they have any suggestions? I don't know much of anything about neck pain, but it's just up the back, and if he was in back pain, that would mean 8 long weeks of crate rest. I went through back pain with Joey, and he was confined in a very small bathroom for 6 weeks, (door wasn't closed, there was a gate at the door so he could see out, and he is afraid of gates, so he would not jump on it). 6 weeks rest was the recommendation at the time 4 years ago. I did let him walk around a little when I got home from work, but no playing with Maggie (just snuggles), and back in the bathroom he went.
I would think that Baxter's neck needs to heal as well - no sharp movements, no playing, no toys to shake, and maybe he shouldn't sleep in the big bed for a while.
Joey and Maggie are both on a glucosamine/HA supplement, vitamin C, and salmon oil (acts as a natural anti-inflammatory). Joey hasn't had any issues since his event, but he rarely does stairs over the last 4 years, and the couch is blocked. I should note that he was on a glucosamine supplement about a year before he had issues, and has always had salmon oil in his diet.
As much as I LOVE Baxter's toy stories, maybe he shouldn't have them anymore because of his neck issues.
If the pain persists, you may want to try some alternative therapies like acupuncture, or see if a doggie chiro may have more insight, and can offer up different treatments like laser therapy. A friend in Chicago just had laser therapy for her doxie mix who was completely down and paralyzed in the rear, and he is now walking again. Whether or not the laser therapy helped, not sure.
But dodgerslist might have some great recommendations, they live and breathe this stuff.

Sending lots of Dachshund love your way.

Elizabeth said...

I was thinking of you and Baxter earlier today. I'm sorry to hear he's still hurting.

Get well soon, Baxter!

kalyxcorn said...

hi everybody! yeah the toyfriends have been stowed and his kitty perches have been taken away. I read some on dodger's list but had to stop, at least til the vet's office was open again so I could get some questions answered. Originally the doc didn't think total crate rest was required but we'll see today.

Rowdy and Bette said...

Got your message - when Joey had back issues, he had hopped down from the couch and let out a little yelp when he landed on the floor. The next day he was miserable - I had to coax him to eat breakfast, but didn't notice that he was in pain, and that evening when I came home from work, he refused to eat, or get up off of his bed - he was just in too much pain. For Joey not to be hungry and eat is a huge thing. He was just whining on his he so wanted to eat with Maggie, but just couldn't do it. So, he didn't really "go down," or lose any ability to walk, he was just in severe pain. The doc gave him a fentanyl patch for pain - it took over a year for the hair to grow back in that spot. He also got some rimadyl, but it wasn't 2 weeks worth like for Baxter....I think your said somewhere he was getting it for 2 weeks?