Monday, October 5, 2009

mid-atlantic doxie fest: the fast and the curious

Hey everybody it's me Baxter, your roving rover reporter here with part two of my report on the Mid-Atlantic Dachshund Phestival. Today it's all about wiener dog racing. The races here are open to everybody and no registration is required, so you can imagine how many wieners get to race! I have never raced before so my mom thought it would be a good idea to check out the action as bystanders for the first block of races. Let's all walk to the barn to see what's going on, shall we?

Okay, here's how it works. Eager doxies and and their humans line up on one side of the course and run in groups of five. Racers are put into a wooden cubby by volunteers while their owners walk to the finish line to cheer on their doxie. Open the gates, and out come the hounds, right? Only sorta, as it would turn out.

Some of my buddies were fast to figure out that they needed to run to the finish line, but most of my brethren were just curious once the gate was released, and so they either meandered about or wandered around the racing box to see if their owner there. It was really cute, but I gotta say after the first few races, I was ready to take off my roving rover reporter hat and find the source of whatever tasty aroma was wafting up from below the bleachers.

Finally, the first block of races was over, and almost everybody went inside to catch the next event. Stragglers like me stuck around to race at a much quieter pace. And that is when my roving rover reporter senses tingled. This is my new friend, whose real name I don't remember but whom I will always remember as Holly Hobbie. She is really old and sweet and has a really cool snaggle tooth. Somebody left her at the pound til she was rescued by her new family.

Holly was already most of the way down the empty course when my mom noticed her. Sure there were fast doggies out there today, and doggies much younger than her that couldn't make their way down the course. But there was Holly, making do with what she had, crossing the finish line all by herself. Without a doubt, my girl Holly Hobbie won the wiener race that day.

This is Baxter your roving rover reporter signing out til tomorrow when I talk fair food and fashion.


Alicia said...

We love Holly Hobbie!! What a darling girl and her family must love her dearly.
How wonderful to be able to attend this event, and Baxter is doing a great job covering the MADF for us. If we move to southern PA, we'd be able to get there easily. Looks like much fun!

Can't wait for more reports,

Anonymous said...

Holly Hobbie made me tear up.

AmyM said...

Baxter, your roving reports are the best ever!

chloejessica said...

Holly Hobie is so cute! Looks like a lot of fun! I wish we could have been there! :)

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
Holly Hobie is adorable! I loved her video!
Thanks for this second part of your report!
Kisses and hugs

Taffy said...

Baxter, what would we do without our roving reporter? You give us the bestest stories on the net. Holly is one special girl! Thanks for sharing her with us.