Monday, December 28, 2009

my kitchen bed

o how i like my kitchen bed,
it's soft n cuddly and nice for my head.
i like to hang out here
when mom shoos me away from the stove,
like when for instance,
she's making bread.

but sometimes i hang out here
for no reason at all,
other than to play
with my little blue ball.

- baxter, 3 years old, just hangin out


Alicia said...

Oh so handsome, you coppery-red hunk! Sure hope some tasty snacks come your way...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I don't have a kitchen bed!
But I love to be right there when my grandma is cooking. And she shoos me away from the stove too!
Kisses and hugs

Texas The Doxie said...

Oh Great, now Bubbles and Texas will think they need a Kitchen bed, to go with their study beds and couch, and their living room bed, couch and crate beds, along with their bedroom,bed (mine). :))

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee! i highly recommend it, cuz sometimes u can snitch stuff that falls to the floor when nobody's looking! my bed is between the cooking area and the dining area so i get the best of both snitchin worlds!!!


Sierra said...

I want a doxie something fierce, I found your blog through Chloe The Doxie Love's having a darling dog, can't wait to read more and Happy New Year!

kalyxcorn said...

aw, thanks for giving us a sniff! we rescued Baxter from, a doxie rescue organization. I do like how they operate - the dogs stay in foster homes where often they get pre-trained, or at least screened well enough so you know what you're in for. Baxter was 10 months old. We missed most of his puppy months but don't miss the potty training or the teething or the fixing, so it worked out quite well for us. Good luck and send me a pic once you find your special wiener dog!!! (