Thursday, January 7, 2010

border doxie

dear diary,
today was my last full day here at jasper's house and i think we're finally gettin our groove on. i mean there was this one time on our walk when i was trailin behind and he gave me the the stink eye fer goin too slow, but his dad snapped him out of it before he could do anythin more than lock eyes with me. that was unsettling enough, really. but i just froze in my tracks and let out a worried uh-oh whine, instead of aro-arooin it. my mom said that was really good progress. and once he snapped out of it, things were fine. so fine, in fact, that i finally couldn't stand watchin mom play with him when we came back to the house and i joined in on the fun. i'm not sure i'm gonna quit my day job as a wiener dog, but it wasn't too bad bein a border doxie fetchin stuff. i don't see how he can stand doin it all day, though. me, i'd rather chase squirrels.

well i better get some rest so i can help mom n dad tomorrow with our trip home. do u think they'll let me drive?? i sure hope so. goodbye jasper!



old lady said...

Thanks for the rawhide offer! Hope you have a safe trip home. I find it's better being the passenger than the driver - something about being behind that steering wheel makes my dad a "little krankie" if you catch my drift!! You can always bark for no reason - keeps the driver on his toes!! Hope the squirrels didn't get too out of control while you were gone. Rhett

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
Glad to know you finally had some fun with Jasper!
That happens to me when my cousins come to visit... it is on the last day when we start playing more and more!
I hope they let you drive!
Kisses and hugs