Thursday, January 14, 2010

shrimp scampy

The colder than normal weather has interrupted Baxter's routine. Walkies aren't exactly at the top of his list to things to do when there's ice on the ground, even if it is safely off to the side of our usual walking trail. On chilly day such as this, where Baxter chooses to conserve his energy and bury himself under mounds of blankies, or plants himself by George for most of the day, little kielbasa transforms into the energizer bunny by the time quitting time rolls around and the programmable thermostat kicks on the whole house furnace to prepare the house for the inhabitants it didn't realize were already home. As heat slowly fills the entire house, Baxter ventures forth from his thermal confines, peeking out from around the corner and scamping about in search of his mom and dad, ready to catch up on the day's worth of playing. A little bouncy brown ball of fur, we now affectionately call him shrimp scampy. Another name to add to the ever growing list of names we call our boy.


Agnes B. Bullock said...

Mom gave us lots of nicknames too!!! (and Mom loves your Mom's sewing and craft room! Hers is in the basment, but no where near as nice at yours, and she thought hers was the bees knees)

AmyM said...

Love your studio!

Mine all have tons and tons of nicknames, and they continue to grow and morph into new names. Sometimes the nickname becomes the name - which is what happened with Butter.

They all know their nicknames too, and they realize it is my special speak just for them.

Bludog said...

I love seeing your workroom with your FABULOUS reupholstered desk chair!

Molly gets very grumpy when I start putting her heaviest coat on her to go outside - she knows she'll be uncomfortable, but I think she thinks it's the coat, not realizing that ... it's ZERO degrees out! On the other hand, the beautiful German Shepherd boy Max LOVES the snow. He likes to lie in a snowdrift and chew on an icicle. So, you're kind of lucky that Baxter doesn't want to go out - Max wants nothing other than to go out, but he want us to go with him...

Yay - it's getting up to near 40 here today!

kalyxcorn said...

ha - don't tell anybody but "my" sewing and craft room is actually "our" dining room and living room. not to mention the fabric that lurks about in other places.

funny you mention the whole recognizing other names thing cuz I just noticed that, too. Apparently cooing "my little pumpkin" all the time when I pick him up has made an impression. Though I suspect he prefers that I keep it as his inside name. It's Baxter, please, at the dog park.

Aw Molly! Baxter knows just how you feel. Why wold mom ever put on that coat just to make it cold outside? You remember that winter olympics in France where in one of the ceremonies these people came out wearing like, giant bubbles filled with feathers that they fluffed around to look sort of like a snowglobe? Baxter would totally take one if it was heated, and be happy rolling about the yard in his giant hamster ball.

Lorenza said...

Here it has been very cold too. Not normal for us I have to say and today it was cold and rainy so I had to stay at home all day and one of my favorite places is my grandma's shop! She spends lots of time there doing interesting things!
Kisses and hugs