Wednesday, February 3, 2010

cabin fever

The wonderful snow that engaged us all these past few days is now turning into slush, the wet stuff that makes the backyard muddy and the streets too yucky for a low slung kielbasa boy to walk on.

Optimistically, we had tried to go for a walk on Monday evening, when the streets still looked powdery white. An illusion, it turned out. The start of slush. Determined still to get out and enjoy the wintry sights, Baxter's dad picked up the little kielbasa and we slogged on, moving ever so carefully so as to not endanger our precious cargo. A quickie walk around the block, just because we could.

Tuesday of course was even slushier, made all the more the kind of day to stay inside by the gray clouds that occasionally spitted rain against the windowpanes of our house. No walkies on Tuesday, not even a hunt out back.

And so the little kielbasa patiently waits until life gets dry again.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! there's nothing wrong in staying indoors for a while n sleepppp. Slushy walks is not fun at all. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Your host said...

Feeling guilty in sunny AZ. You guys can pity us when it's 118 in the shade here in August! Warm woofs from Pen & Ro-ro.

Lorenza said...

Staying inside your home sounds like the best thing to do these days!
Here has been raining for 2 days!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Sandra said...

Baxter, we know how you feel. Here in Orlando it has not stopped raining. And as most dachshunds will agree we were not made for getting our paws wet. This also means we haven't been able to go out for as many walks as we're used to. Bummer! We can't wait until it dries up here too and we can go back out and enjoy some sun.