Monday, March 8, 2010

big red

As fierce defender of our lands, tiny chumley knows that it is his duty to protect the yard from, well, practically everything. Neighbor dogs, bunnies, squirrels, and all the things that go bump in the night. A mutual disdain as old as the world itself.

But with spring just around the corner, I've begun to wonder if Baxter's relationship with the birds in our backyard might be different story. Untested waters, really, as I've never seen him have an even fleeting interest in the tweeting wonders that give voice to the bushes and trees in our backyard. Yesterday's visit from a bright red cardinal determined to shoo himself from his own territory by relentlessly attacking his own reflection in our kitchen bay window, gave me the opportunity I was looking for.

Little hound bounded onto the deck, hyped as he was by the promise of chasing off a squirrel that also happened to near the tree in which Big Red resided. Both bird and Baxter ignored each other, and I started to wonder whether or not we should post a human on deck to spend the entire afternoon running around with arms flailing in the air, shooing this feisty cardinal time and time again.

Hoping to spare our neighbors such an unseemly sight, and lacking any pictures of scary owls that I could post in the window to scare off the cardinal, I made do with the next best thing, the only thing I had readily available. A fine, glossy 5x7 of the little kielbasa, heartily hyuking it up in his hoodie from weeks ago. I stuck it in the window and waited, letting the picture menacingly threaten all those who looked at it, "Watch out, cardinal, this house is protected by a hoodie wearing, human holding, laughing dachshund. You want a piece o dis?"

Yep, it worked pretty much like you think it would. Which is to say, not at all.

Today, if Big Red comes back, maybe a run for the kielbasa around the yard with his wings on. That'll pass for a ground hawk, right?


Zoë said...

Hi there, my name is Zoë and I just discovered your blog, it looks great and I loved reading and seeing your last post!!!

I'm a follower of your blog now, so if you would like to check out my blog sometime, that would be great. And if you like what you see, please become a follower.

Have a great week!!!
from Zoë.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hummmm, Baxter I think your mom is onto something grrrreat here. Putting up a Flat Baxter to keep intruders at bay!!! Look at the time you will save!! Time for more important and enjoyable things like... eating and napping!! I'm gonna tell my mom to get about 87 of ME. Then I won't have to chase rodents and stuff. THANKS Buddy for the super idea.

Ruby and Penny said...

If your picture scares away all the critters, what will you do?
Love Ruby & Penny

Bludog said...

Molly sez ... oh, Baxter, little birds are tasty!

Actually, Molly has mostly left the birds alone after a few disturbing incidents in the first three or fours years, but we have a falcon roosting in our neighborhood who occasionally leaves some bits and pieces of birds in our back yard. Mostly s/he preys on pigeons, so it's actually kind of public service. But. Still. URGH!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing safe IN or AROUND our yard... the poor neighbors that walk down our street, the pit bulls next door, the squirrels that live in the yard, or the annoying woodpeckers that live in the trees...they are all game! Don't really care what they want to hunt but they could seriously stop the barking...imagine 3 at one time...UGH!!!!!!
You were asking about Albert, you can go to The Long and Short Of it and scrooooolllll down till you get to the black and white pics of a GORGEOUS long hair. That is my Albert. There is also a story about our Whitney and a pic...and a pic of our Puddles. OR you can email me
I sooooo need a blog now!

Allison Schubert

Lorenza said...

I agree with Frankie.
Now you will have lots of spare time for naps and to play!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

Hi Allison - Oh yeah, Albert totally needs a blog. It's every doxie's responsibility to spread the joy & cuteness as far and wide as they can !! :)

Hey everybody - Can u believe my picture didn't scare anyway anythin? I'm not sure what to make o dat cuz u know, I am a rough n tough doggie. Maaaaybe that wasn't the best picture to use. But then again, I got to chase squirrels again today!!
