Saturday, March 27, 2010

springtime snoozing

Like the clean dishes that magically appear in my cupboards, a good night's sleep is one of those things I normally take for granted in my life. Except in the spring, when pollen fills the air and tinkers with my head, making me itch in impossible places to scratch, and igniting a war inside my sinuses.

My battle with the pollen of spring started so many years ago, when I was just a kid. Any desire I had to frolic outside amongst the daffodils and tulips quickly drained from my mind once my allergies started kicking in. I became an inside girl, and stuck to the television shows and books that comprised so much of my youth.

It wasn't until I moved into my own home that spring became something more than just a source discomfort, the unwelcome reason I felt like my head had been replaced by a bobble-headed replica. Having a nest to feather meant visits to the garden center and yardwork that I actually wanted to do, with the the lure of bright green grass and fresh flowers, all drenched in a warm spring sun that had not yet reached its thermal maximum. Spring meant a return to the flea market, with all its goodies that now seemed even more wonderful with a gentle breeze blowing around me. Spring became something into which I had to venture, pollen be danged.

The promise of skippy walks along flowering tree lined sidewalks, lazy tummy tanning on the deck, and wild hunts in our budding backyard also lures tiny chumley outside, away from his heater companion George. With so many things for a little dog to do now that spring is here, Baxter's sleep schedule has also been impacted by spring's arrival, and we both find ourselves grabbing a snooze whenever and where ever we can.

Yes, tiny chumley and I may both a little sleepy today, but we're happy still that spring has finally sprung.


3 doxies said...

I so sorry you don't feel well B's mom. If it makes you feel any better I have springtime allerigies too...except I brakes out into hives.
B, you look so sweet, adorable, and handsome sure you don't needs a snuggle partner?
pees: Mum looooves those shots of B.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter and Mom!
Allergies is the bad part of Spring, right?
Glad you had a nice and lazy saturday, Baxter!
Kisses and hugs

kishiko said...

Hi Baxter!
My mom also have an allergy to pollens, but not so bad, we do not have so much pollens here.
Your pictures are beautiful!
Take care!

Taffy said...

Allergies are a problem at my house too....for me and Mom. Not fun. That second photo of you is terrific!