Tuesday, May 25, 2010

herb tarlek, anyone?

Okay, I admit these don't quite fall into the color preferences that Ammo's mom gave me when coming up with ideas for Ammo's dapper doxie duds, so they might not fit the bill for him, but I thought I would post these dudly combinations because they're so fun, and Herb Tarlek-y. As subtle as the 70s can get, complete with vintage polyester necktie, in colors guaranteed to enrich the warm tones of any modern sausage boy. I can't wait til the right red wiggler comes along to claim his rightful Tarlek title! :)


3 doxies said...

Hahahaha...I love it...Herb Tarlek, I soooo remember him, even though I care not to. B, I can't wait to see who will claim those duds. However, I'm sure they will be spiffified to your your mom's standaards.

sio said...

Oohhh -- if only Otto was full grown - I'd take the top fabric/tie combo for him (but like the bottom combo, too!). Can you imagine Otto as Herb Tarlek and Ike as Venus Flytrap!!! Then Ike could have a "crushed velvet pimp" harness!!! ;)

Agnes B. Bullock said...

You forgot Les Nessman's duds!

Baxter said...

hee - we loved that TV show!

u know, that setup with Otto as Herb and Ike as Venus Flytrap! I can set aside some for Otto just in case. I'm actually thinking Baxter might need a little Tarlek time, too, even though that violates my generally Green direction for him! Oh but by the way, I found a pendleton, too that might be swell for Otto this weekend!! I'll send ya a pic later this week - everything is being preshrunk today.

Oooh, so what would a Les Nesman dud be like? Hmm, understated gray poly, with a bowtie! We need a dapple doggie for that one!! :)

Fernanda e Pink said...

Baxter é lindo mesmo, né ?
Beijos e lambidas.

kyley said...

oooh....ammo loves those ties!

I'll have to confer with the husband (and ammo) and get back to you! :)

Sandra said...

Oh I like the combo's very, very much. Very "older gentleman about town." I can see Flash wearing something like that as while he takes his daily constitutional and grumbles about what the world is coming to.


kalyxcorn said...

hee - I like how you described Flash's ramblings, Sandra!

hola fernanda y pink!

hi kyley - don't worry if any of these don't fit the bill for ammo's dad. there is always something else that can be of a more subtle and masculine combination! :)