Sunday, July 25, 2010

hey baby bunny

hey baby bunny,
where did you go this morning?
i want to chase you.

- baxter, 3.6 years old


Lorenza said...

Hi, Baxter!
I hope it is not too hot to go out and chase him!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

old lady said...

If you come to NJ you can help me with the wild turkey flock that shows up!! There are two large turkeys and a bunch of toddler turkeys! I'll share.

Rhett Butler
10.5 yrs old

Kerri said...

Those little paws looke like they're in prayer -- or Mr. Burns' "Excellent" on "The Simpsons."

Taffy said...

Baxter, you look so intent! I hope the bunny came out from hiding just for you. Is your company still there?

kalyxcorn said...

hi lorenza! boo hoo - u guessed it - my mom says it is entirely too hot out to chase anything! :(

ooh rhett - i would totally love to help with those turkeys after my mom admires the flock cuz she saw one once by the side of the road and thought it was totally cool! but yeah, that's only like two seconds then we could go chase them together!! :)

hee kerri, my mom said the same thing! she loves when I put my paws together like that. me? i say there's only so many things i can do with my little feet so u know, what's so special bout that?

hi twix! yes everybody is still here! it's been pretty swell all in all cuz mom n my uncle are makin me something! i can't wait til it's done so i can show everybody!! :)