Thursday, August 19, 2010

under cover of cuteness

Curiosity finally got the best of tiny chumley yesterday. Content at first to watch from the sidelines, far away from the strange and noisy sounding drill, the little kielbasa could finally stand it no longer.

Shrouded by what he thought was an impenetrable cover of cuteness, little helper boy slowly crept into yesterday's forbidden crafty zone, carefully placing paw after paw so as to not disturb the scene around him, with nose all a twitch as he smelled each and every thing he encountered.

"hmmmmmm," he finally concluded after a thorough investigation, "i don't get it. shouldn't there be food in these bowls or sumptin?"

No baby dog. Just you wait and see!


Lorenza said...

I will wait and see too!
Looks like your mom has been very busy, Baxter!
Let us know about it, ok?
Kisses and hugs