There are certain rituals I would have never imagined when tiny chumley entered our lives. Like growing his own little summertime patch of edible grass on the deck, and bringing out George the very minute in early autmmn when the house temperature dips below 70 degrees.
And this, the changing of the duk. A peaceful transition of playtime powers from old duk to new duk, overseen by one very eager little wolf. Good bye eviscerated duk duk 3, hello quacky new duk duk 4. Let the maulings begin.
You know .. that's just plain cute. I have a few "kiee's" ( Black Floppy cat ) that Emma is rather fond of. I have spares for that very reason of one possibly croaking someday. She totes two of them around and calls them her babies.
Love the picture! Give Baxter some Oregonian smooches. Those kind are a bit chilly with the scent of ocean air.
We must have duk duk's cousins here as the resemblance is uncanny LOL. The furkids sure do love them but I sure wish they would come out with a less destructible model. Its Daisy and Harleys favorite. Occasionally they go on sale here and I stock up a cabinet full!
that is a historical moment indeed. Old dukduk, you shall be missed.
ps. i love that those doxie hats are doing so well for you! :D
I've never been able to find another duck just like Annies- it will be a sad day when she doesn't have it to go to sleep with. I thought when the kids grew up I wouldn't be looking for stuffed critters when going to bed!
Max's favorite is "flat cat." I bought him a new one, but he never took to that one as much as he did the original flat cat - which is still around here somewhere, earless, shredded, and very, very flat...
Oskar still prefers his original Mr. BunBun, who looks more like a flat, eviscerated prairie dog than a rabbit. It (and the torn up, flattened Eager Beaver toy) will always be in his bed area while the newer toys languish in the toy basket.
Any chance of sewing together the parts of the different DukDuks into a Frankenstein-ish friend? Just aksin'...
How exciting! A new duk to take on the long and honored duk duk tradition. We wish you many squeaky and chewy good times.
Flash, Alven and Dottie
hee hee, if duk duk were less maulable, i don't think i would like him as much! though i still love my dragon n squirrel tree n green bobo n all my toys! most of them are also pretty flat, come to think of it!
is flat cat pink by any chance?
But there was never any duk duk like duk duk the 1st.
Interestingly, the ORIGINAL (and most loved) flat cat is blue. The proffered replacement flat cat is pink, and I thought that would go over huge. But, it didn't. Perhaps because flat cat #2 is bright pink, and Max is really more of a baby pink guy...?
That's mighty fine that you get a new duk after youchew one up. That sort of house policy would encourage me to not hide my toys under the couch. I'm going to pass your policy on to HH. Thx
Have a great day! Max
ahh duk duk the first. I still have him! He likes to hang out with duk duk 2 and 3 and together they all dream up new ideas on pranks for duk duk 4 to pull on me. hmmm, maybe i oughta tone down on the duk duk maulings. there's a lot of brainpower going into the duk duk side of pranks and there is only one of me! :)
Welcome home duk duk 4!
Kisses and hugs
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