wooty wooty woot,
i smell delicious popcorn.
we must be at the flea!
- baxter, 3.8 years old, happy to discover when mom opened the car door that they would spend Saturday morning at the flea market.
celebrating life's bounty one stitch and bark at a time
WOW!! i love your travel blankies BAxter! i think i'll have to do that too in my car. Just move my blankets on my seat. It'll sure work out nice until the car warms up :)
I hope you had a pawesome time at the market... and that you got some of that popcorn you like sooo much!
Kisses and hugs
can we have some popcorns too? ^^
You're so lucky to go to the flea with your mom. Cats seem to cause a disturbance when they show up at outdoor events.
Hope you ate some popcorn for me.
pawhugs, Max
That face is making what we call a "sniffy snoo" - my, the big wide world is a delicious place!
Mmmmm....popcorn! I sure hope you got some of that yumminess! Do they sell roasted corn on the cob there? You should give that a try! I love to eat corn off the cob. It is very yummy too!
whooo, twix! corn on the COB? me gots ta try that this next summer!
hee hee, i like "sniffy snoo"! my great granduncle kep would do that all the time when mom would bring a roast chicken home!
ha, u know that would be so cool seeing a cat on walkies at the flea! u should totally try it, max! i promise if i see u i won't even bark at u (well i promise to TRY!)
yes dodo n momo, my dad got a box of popcorn and if it fell to the floor i would TOTALLY share it with u!! :)
i did have a swell time at the flea market, lorenza! i only wish my buddies like u could be there too!
hee hee, me loves my travel blankies too, miss jiorji! :)
baxter made that nose just as long as it could go! i love it when they do that! you can really see just how long they can be. hope you had a good day!
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