Saturday, February 19, 2011

doggie in the window

The temperature difference between the inside and outside of our house can be so different at times that we really don't know how cold or warm it is outside til we're actually outside.  Or, in tiny chumley's case, when he's stuck his little head out from the nearest open window.

yes,  it is warm enough for me to play outside today, don't u think?


Lorenza said...

Pawesome picture, Baxter!
Sure you wanted to go out to play!
Kisses and hugs

Hannalei said...

Nothing like fresh air eh? : ) Great shot!

M.A said...

so... did you get to go outside and play?!?!!

HH and The Boys said...

OMC... what a great way to check things out. Great photo of you, Baxter...

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee, yes i did miss mary anne! i even dug some which was fun til i remembered i had to go thru the paw wash after. but still it wasn't a bad deal. i also went on a 1.2 mile walkies on a nature trail! where does kona like to go walkies?

o thank u max n miss hannalei and lorenza! personally i like the pictures of me eating snackies best of all, but that's purely talkin from a tummy yummy point of view! :)

M.A said...

well, mr kona and kona's dad & I like to walk around our neighborhood- there's a 2 mile loop that we do or if we're feeling lazy a 1.25 mile loop that we do... heeehee and sometimes during the weekends, we go hiking up in the foothills around our area. a couple of times, we've taken him on a 7 mile hike, but... we've been really really lazy for the past few months and haven't done that! maybe in the spring time we'll do it again! :-)

kalyxcorn said...

oooh that's sorta like we do here! we need to cyber walkie together sometime!! ;)