Because we adopted Baxter when he was ten months old, I've often found myself wondering what the little kielbasa looked like as a puppy. What his parents were like and how he ended up in a home with 39 other dogs. Lonely, and little, and so in need of guidance and love.
Every rescued dog, it seems, deserves a history better than the one he or she experienced. And so today for Baxter, a new picture to add to the front of his family album. A happy family picture from his puppyhood, the way I think it should have been. :)
We adopted Duchess when she was about 8 months old. I've wondered her story, she was so scared and timid back then. It took her months to warm up to us but now she plays with toys, gives kisses and demands attention when she feels she isn't given enough. I wish I could take back whatever trauma happened in those first few months but I am glad that I can make sure she is loved and treasured for the rest of her life!
"Hey, Hey, HEY!! That's Uncle Walter an Auntie Sue! That means we're like third cousins, 57 times removed! How 'bout THAT, Bax! Welcome to my world!" Guinness
Call me a sap but this kind of brought tears to my eyes.
That picture is awesomely cute... I love it! :D
Taylor Lynn <3
I did get to meet Molly's 2 siblings and her mom. They were all in the shelter together. My regret? That I didn't take the whole family! However, they did all go on to happy homes.
HUA (where Molly was rescued) currently has 38 Daschunds up for adoption (and about as many Chihuahuas and many other breeds). They do long range adoptions. So please take a look and spread the word! If nothing else, you can sponsor a dog.
I love Baxter's family portrait.
aw, miss jenni, i am so glad u rescued duchess, and i bet u she is too!! :)
hee hee hee, we should totally have family reunion, guiness!! :)
don't tell anybody 3doxies, but i think mom did too when she realized why she wanted to know what my puppyhood was like. cuz it really wasn't that she wanted to know, but rather she wanted it to be sweet and happy. just like every doxie and pet deserves to be.
thank u miss forest faery! i hope today things in the woodlands are very sunshiney for u today! :)
aw, i am so glad everybuddy in molly's family got a good home. and hopefully these 38 doxies plus all the others in rescue organizations and shelters will get their forever home fast. because history is still being made, and it is time for them to enjoy the future. :)
Holy cow, that is one amazing family portrait! A puppyhood to be proud of for sure.
Are his parents far or near sighted?
this is fantastic. I think you need to do a children's picture book with Baxter and all of his fabulous outfits. Ammo wants the first autographed copy!
Thanks, Baxter, things were very sunshiney today- I sold a photograph! :D I'm very happy!
Kyley and Ammo~ That is an awesome idea, that book would be amazing! I want a copy! ;)
I am speechless!
It is beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
hee hee, miss alicia, i think they are near sighted, because i can only see them in my dreams and that's like, right inside my head!
ha - miss kyley n miss forest faery, u just never know! mom already had some ideas, but it has been a long time since she read a children's book. i might have to lend her some of mine just so she can remember. and so cool for selling a photo - mom is always excited when she gets an etsy order too!! :)
oh thank u lorenza! maybe some day i can meet them - by looking in the mirror!! :)
Thanks- I agree, Etsy orders are very exciting. :D
Great family photo. I'm so glad you found Baxter and that he found you.
pawhugs, Max
So adorable. And despite Baxter's puppyhood perhaps not being so picture perfect, he has a perfect life now, with a lovely mommy like you!
except no french fries ..... :)b
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