Thursday, March 31, 2011

lost in google

Yesterday was supposed to be a productive day craftywise, but the chilly weather, gray clouds, and tempting email offers lured me away from my todo list and steered me in other directions, setting things in motion that will hopefully yield sweet fruit of their own soon. Like,  new paper goodies for the etsy store just in time for Easter, Mother's Day, and Father's Day, and magnets and other bits of doxie art, some not so entirely small if I can ever find what I need to make it.

I suppose it's googley diversions like this that sometimes keep me from doing things I need to do, like posting to etsy some of the necklaces I've made that tiny chumley has modeled recently, and, well, cleaning the house and stuff like that,  but I figure it all works out in the end.

If I didn't seize the day's temptations at least every once in a while, how else would the world be able to order little kielbasa postage stamps , or be graced by the likes of their very own personal  crooning dachshund?  And how would tiny chumley ever get to brag about his poopie snake or talk with his wonderful facebook and blog friends?

Today, I do hope the weather is at least a little better.  Cuz the tiny boyfriend and I do have plans.  Or we may well just end up under the covers again, googling and laptopping the day away.


Lorenza said...

I am speechless looking at you there, Baxter!
I hope you and your mom have a nice and productive day!
Kisses and hugs

M.A said...

Heehee- don't you love lazy days? Mom lives for the weekends and that's when we do our snuggling the most!

By the way, tell your mom agility pics and videos will be posted soon! It is so much fun- I got to learn a lot of things like go through the long tunnel, jump through hoops and climb the A frame. It was so much fun- I can't wait to go back on Saturday!! Oh oh oh the best thing?! Smokey Buffalo treats!!!! Yummm!

Kona banona

Bludog said...

Necklaces! Can't wait...

Baxter, you look like The Great Baxteroni in this picture.

HH and The Boys said...

The hat is great, but I love the necklace the best.... very nice.

pawhugs, Max

Jordan said...

Baxter, you look wonderful ;)
The hat is adorable!! Haha

Jordan @ Rainbow Veins

Anonymous said...

Awesome accessories, Baxter! :D

Baxter said...

hee hee, thank u homies! mom thinks i would make a great fortune teller. but somehow all my fortunes are the same. "soon you will be giving plenty of snackies to someone close to you." hee, hee, i so wish!

i cannot wait to see your pics kona!

hope u r having a wonderful day lorenza, miss mary anne, max, miss bludog, miss jordan, miss taylor lynn, and everybuddy! :)

sio said...

We love the hat and necklace! But Ike and Otto say that Baxter needs to wear some man styles! Ike prefers, for himmself, a big, gold necklace!! (oohh, and a big pimp hat!!) :) Otto hasn't decided yet on his "style" but I'm thinking -- kinda preppy. Definitely East Coast, yacht club, prep school kind of look!

Anonymous said...

Baxter - a question for you O smart doggie you are. What does Kalyxcraftopia mean. I get it is a version of Kalyxcorn. I see it on the books in your pictures. What, how, who???????

I look everywhere I can think of to look. So when I saw your picture I figured the Fortune Teller could tell me. Kinda like the Great Carsoni. Or whatever Ed McMahon called him.

Maybe your Mom too young to remember. Wish I was.


kalyxcorn said...

hi miss sio! maybe one day mom can find me a nice vintage fedora or one of those flat topped straw hats - they would be so cool but she says she does not see them very often. where did all the old hats go?? all my best to otto ike n linus!! :)

hello miss marene and ali! mom knows exactly who u are talking about! she also says she should really work on making up a more interesting story than the truth about the whole kalyx stuff. she got her you tube account then the blog account then the etsy account and well, hardly anybody uses or misspells calyx so she thought it would save time when she tried to apply for the ids by using that and some other word. because all the other more obvious ids with dachshund in it that she thought up were already taken. thing is i am not sure what else she could do in the kalyxc- line. maybe open a kalyxcarneceria, cuz i sure would love the tasty bones from that shop!! :) b