dear diary,
boy was i totally wrong about that spycam mom got me. it's the best thing in the whole world, even if u can't eat it. cuz looky, what do u get when u mix one doxie, a best friend duk that embarrassed u in front of all the backyard squirrels by tellin them i still sleep with my mom n dad, and spycam u hid in the bathroom? hee, hee, hee, see for yourself!!

i cannot wait to post this on facebook and tag him in it! well i better hide my toothbrush and make myself scarce for a while. let me know if u see a one winged duk with a spycam, will ya?
Sumbuddy is in huge TROUBLE!!!
Oh...oh... this spycam is gonna be fun. Can't wait for more secret pictures...
pawhugs, Max
Spycam... good idea! he goin to da potty? Bwhahahaha! Oh Baxter, you is a very clever doxie!
Baxter's adventures makes my day every single day!
hee hee hee, good morning everybuddy! i am sticking close to mom n dad 2day just til the um, feathers settle. :) b
Hide your toothbrush next to mom's.
hee hee - maybe i should do that - even though i like my poultry stuff, i could use a nice taste of mint again!! :)b
Given what happened the last time Mom went out of town, I'm not sure you should go mixing up toothbrushes again. =.)
Baxter. Be careful.... very careful...
I can read "revenge" there!
Kisses and hugs
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