Thursday, March 17, 2011

pyrex love

I have gone through many a collection obsession in my life.  Soap, as best I can remember, seemed to be the start of things for me when I was little.  Bars of every shape and size and the pretty papers they were often wrapped in were fascinating to me, and as a kid I remember receiving it as souvenirs from trips that the adults that inhabited my childhood world had taken.  Tiny blocks of airline soap, coveted the same as the prettiest of wrapped french lavender soaps, were an easy gift to mollify my youthful gimme gimme ways. 

Through the years, soap transitioned to Cinderella-esque little shoes, transitioned to miniature and regular sized perfume bottles, transitioned to pottery & crafts, transitioned to contemporary japanese iron teapots.  Transitioned to vintage dachshund goodies and carved mother of pearl buttons, turquoise McCoy ware, more dachshund goodies, wooden shoe forms, and tiny dutch wooden shoes. And nowadays, whatever else catches my eye.

As I have grown older, though, I realize that my days of dedicated collecting are over.  Sure I still pick up the random dachshund sumptin and even a tiny little perfume bottle if the price is right and I feel it needs to be rescued, but rarely am I on the time consuming hunt, unless I need something for a grand endeavor like growing the little kielbasa's selection of super cool eyewear.  I want space, I need space, for all my crafty endeavors. And I need the time to make, and time to hang with my big and little boyfriends.  If it is meant to be, most things, I figure, will have a way of finding me.

Which is what I reminded myself yesterday when we spread out tiny chumley's Uncle Dana's new collection of mostly pyrex coolness that he has amassed from his recent thrift store and flea market adventures down south, that had still been going on these past few days as I took him from thrift store to thrift store, all the while tiny chumley patiently waited for us to come back home.

pyrex schmyrex, the little kielbasa did declare as we set things out on the table to ooh and ahh, don't u know there are squirrels out there that need chasin?

In the grand scheme of things, I'm pretty sure Baxter is right.  But for the moment, I will bask in the temporary glow of vintage pyrex love, and dream of pretty pyrex displays.


Hannalei said...

I like the frig containers with the little glass lids. But my passion is Glasbake. I am obsessed with it and even though I don't have much of it when I come across a piece you'd think all hell broke loose with my squee's of joy in a thrift store isle. :)

Uncle Dana has some great finds there!!! :)

HH and The Boys said...

Yes, collections are very important. I had a collection of catnip mice I was very fond of at one point. Have a great day.

pawhugs, Max

Bludog said...

So the flea marketing runs in the family, eh? Funny! I guess I share that with my sister - but not with my brothers at all!

I've been known to stalk Descoware (the precursor to Le Crueset) on EBay myself...

kalyxcorn said...

good morning everybuddy! ooh mom has have never heard of glasbake or descoware, she will have to take a looky so she can keep an eye our 4 u, miss hannalei and miss bludog!

ooh, i like the idea of a catnip mousie collection! wish i had patience to build a rawhide collection but i always seem to eat it before i get more than one! :)

Lorenza said...

My mom would love to go to a thrift store! We don't have them here!
The pyrex here comes only in clear glass! Soooo boring!
Kisses and hugs

kalyxcorn said...

no thrift stores? wow how is that even possible? what happens to the things u no longer need or outgrew?

:) b

Kyley and Ammo the Dachshund said...

I know all to well the "collecting" of things.
I swear I go through fazes with it...vintage glass bottles, milk glass, retro dachshund finds & magazine ads. And right now I'm on an obsession with rubber stamps - mostly hand carved ones.
I really think it started when I was a kid and my dad used to take us to old riverbeds to hunt for fossils. (which I still have squirrels away in a box somewhere - saving....for who knows what).

I think it's the "treasure hunt" that makes collecting things so fun. Then you just have to hope you have somewhere to put all of your treasure! :)

kalyxcorn said...

i know, right? i totally need like another house in addition to this one, to display things "just so"! up your way I hear is real junking country - so lucky! good luck with the hand carved stamps - i don't think i have ever seen those here but i will keep an eye out now for you! :)