Thursday, September 15, 2011


dear diarhee,
afterrr much dee-liberation eet was decided zat our journey must still go on, only now een maggie's name and so today eez day deux of our great archeological digging journee to zee africa by vay of australia unt zee center of zee earth.  unt as zhou can see theengs are going vereee, ow u say, slowlee. mostlee because zere is a dee-ference of - what it is? - opeenion , regharding zee bathing unt zee schoolverk zat ees required of myself unt my jouetamis associates.  mom says ve must do both everyzeeday, but i say, vy bother vit eezer? but now ere i sit writing to u from zee bubblee bathtub.

aneee-ow, i must go as my companion zee duk duk eez getting tired of floating in zee tub like a rubber duckee unt i still must scrub behind my ears before ve both can leave so i must bid u...

b :)


HH and The Boys said...

Hope you have great luck on your adventure....

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

SO hard to think of Maggie and then look at my own sweet baby at 17. She sleeps so much now. But when it is time to eat she is awake and presents me with a toy. Crazy how they get into our hearts and minds.
I dread the day.

Love you Baxter. Be good and be well all Dachsies out there.

Love you

Jasper + Amy said...

I love little doxie butt pictures:)
Jasper hates it when I "goose" him but I can't help it, his little swirly tooshie is just too hard to resist:)

Good luck digging B!!

kalyxcorn said...


Keren Hening said...

"Oo, la, la, Monsieur Baxtiere, vous et une Dackel extrosdeenaire! Alors, vous speek wis ze accent de un Parrisiene et un Bosch at ze same time! Sacré Bleuxch!!"


"Was that a sneeze? Bless you, Studly!"

"Thanks, Auntie Keren."

Elizabeth said...

I don't know if "diarhee" is such a good spelling. I thought this post was going to be about something totally different! I'm sorry about your friend Maggie, Baxter. It's very sad to lose someone you love.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the delicate cropping of the photo, mom never knows what to do with my "spot" . . .

How waz the bubbles?

- Hildy

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee vell u see miss keren unt zee guinness, my french teacherrr vas a leetle germannn so joo know, metheenks i ave unt accent eeen my frencsh! :)

yes miss elizabeth. i wish i could have met her, and mister tom. <3

hee hee yes hildy, mom says some parts of a tushie just have to be um, cropped! :)