Tuesday, September 27, 2011

they might be giants

Yeah, somebuddy needed a bath after stumbling across this great find in our backyard.   but mooooom, i still haven't figured out what's down there yet. what if there are trolls down there, or monsters???


SassySashadoxie said...

Careful you don't want to get stuck. Mommy once as a pup read me a book about a poo bear that got stuck in a rabbit hole for eatting too much honey. You know I thought a book called Wienie The Pooh would be about a wiener dog or poo. It wasn't about either.

Well, hope there is a friendly rabbit in that hole that shares some honey with you.


pugfish said...

Dear Baxter,
In the dark warm dirt could be another dachshund on the other side. Maybe you could be penpals! Or dirtbuddies!
Just a thought,
oskie the doxie

HH and The Boys said...

Oh...oh... are you going to the center of the Earth?

pawhugs, Max

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee ooh very good point sasha! wouldn't t be so very cool if there was a pooping bear in there?? :) :)

oooh maybe, oskie the doxie! but i have 2 tell u i did not smell anything that would indicate a dachshund was in there. no monkey chow milkshakes or foofies or nuttin.

well max, maybe! i never did get to finish digging to africa by way of australia and the center of the earth because of all the rain we have been having lately and here it looks like somebuddy might have already done half my work. only i really have to make the hole bigger! :)

Jasper + Amy said...

Hey Baxter, if there aren't trolls or monsters living in there, maybe you could hide your poopie snakes in there so ur mom can't find them & throw them away!! That way you could save them up to sell them to get money to make your flaming headless pumpkin robot!!


Alicia said...

Silly me, I thought you were playing an ostrich!

Little buddy,