Sunday, February 12, 2012

playing with duk duk

A quiet little happy playtime video this Sunday, featuring the little kielbasa's new old friend, duk duk 5. :)  

why hello duk duk, u seem to have something caught in your throat. let me help u! :)


lauren said...

baxter is a piece of work...

Lovable Lily said...

I hope that you were able to help duk duk out by removing the stuck thingy in his throat. You were doing a great job on the video. Or perhaps, duk duk 5 survived you performing the heimlich on him!

Lily Belle
P.S. We're happy to hear that the rumbly in your tummy is all gone...

HH and The Boys said...

Did you save Duk Duk from a life of quackery? Hope so.

pawhugs, Max

Anonymous said...

Quack Quack!

Glad your feeling better

- Hildy (and my mom)

Alicia said...

Dr. Baxter,
You are such a good friend to Duk Duk, no matter which number he has after his name!

Little buddy,

Bludog said...

I think the other four dukduks had better come join a tag team on that one. Remember what happened last time? And that was only a TWO duk tag team...!