Friday, June 22, 2012

x marks the spot

I had been struggling for hours figuring out the likes of bezier curves and messing with RGB filters and raster and vector layers yesterday.  Climbing mountains of frustration as I plodded thru unfamiliar software built with an English based vocabulary, that still could have been better understood by Martians.

"Really? You can't just use the word Menu instead of Palette?  How bout say smooth lines instead of anti-aliasing?  Why isn't there a simple slider control for zoom, especially since I don't have a Num button on my keyboard? Why caN'T I PUT TEXT ON MY OBJECT INSTEAD OF AROUND IT?  WHERE Is the thingy to...Why can't I do I....I don't even know how to ask!!" Yeah, it was that kind of day, stumbling in the dark despite the sunlight all around me, gaining an inch for every mile I slid back, trying to unlock the powers of what I knew would be graphic design nirvana if only I stuck with it long enough.  Nobody bug me, please,  I'm pushing electrons.

By the time evening had rolled around yesterday, poor little tiny chumley had had enough of being ignored all day.  With the sun setting, and speckled with tiny bits of floor flotsam that he had picked up from rolling all over the carpet in hopes of tearing me away from my white whale, Baxter trundled up in the waning daylight and stared at me.

mom, if there is anything i can help u with, please let me know okay?

I moved my cursor over the X on the upper right hand of my "palette" and clicked.  Well baby dog, I think you just did.   :)


3 doxies said...

Hehehehe...'puter programs makes my mum pull her hairs out...her usually goes fur her grey ones though.
What program is you workin' in?

Bax, keeps a real close eye on your mom so hers not go bald.


Lovable Lily said...

Oh Baxter how we know THAT frustration! Muffin and I HATE to be ignored for hours like that. Especially when it comes to software, then it feels like days and days and day that no one pays any attention to us. So glad you were able to help out and convince Mom to push the BIG RED X!

Lily Belle

HH and The Boys said...

aaarrrrrgh.... we all feel the same way at times.

You're such a good helper, Baxter.

pawhugs, Max

Hannalei said...

Oooh ... Welcome to my world. Nothing worse than when you're looking at a ton of coding and someone distracts you and suddenly it's all messed up, you can NOT figure out WHERE the mess up is. You just have to save it, close it and come back later. My wee wireless mouse is lucky to still be alive these many years later. LOL :)

Jasper + Amy said...

Sometimes a little doxie help is all a mom needs... :)

Miss Amy

Lorenza said...

Good job, Baxter!
Sure your mom appreciated your help!
I hope tomorrow will be a better day for her!
Kisses and hugs