Tuesday, July 17, 2012

godzilla vs goretex

It was all in the name of crafty science that I set up my experiment with the water resistant fabric samples I had received in the mail yesterday.  Taking the time to organize them by color and type then get my glass of water,  and lay them out carefully on the floor in the only spot of sunlight immediately available, right on tiny chumley's vacant bed.  Unusually vacant for this tummy tanning time of day, because the little kielbasa had chosen to sit beside me instead, hoping as he always did that there was something yet inside the envelope especially for him and his rumbly little tummy. 

Drip drip drip. While tiny chumley sat in rapt attention, I made sure every swatch got a hefty few drops of water.  And we saw the drops miraculously beaded on each surface, creating little orbs of glistening goodness. 

"Oooo yes! Well baby dog, to complete our experiment,  we'll need to let the water sit for a few min-- heyyyy" I fell back as Baxter left our tiny tuffet, jaunty trundling away from me with a proverbial lightbulb floating high above his tiny noggin.  "Where are you going little friend? Oh no, waiiit!"

There wasn't much I could do besides grab my camera and watch as my new hatched micro godzilla traipsed and trodded through my experiment like a tiny model town of Tokyo.

rawrrr! rawrrr! (tromp tromp)  take that you - eew, my paw just got wet  (shakey shake) rawrrrr! rawrrrr!

okay mom, i think that's good. is your experiment done now? :)

why yes baby dog, i think it is.


Lovable Lily said...

Great job Baxter! Next time tell your Mommy that YOU'RE the Scientist in the house and that she should leave all experimentations up to you.

Lily Belle

willy the wiener dog said...

perfect! now, Bax, our plan of world domination is has begun and is rounding the corner because water squirts and 1+1=glue, 10 times out of 9, for the same reason purple hats shine and while raising steaks on the barby we must gather torpedoes in coffee sticks of gold! wink wink snort snort your friend, Willy

Whit said...

Baxter, you have the cutest tootsies!

kalyxcorn said...

i know, right? i hope u r having a wonderful day lily belle!

hee hee i totally understand whatchoo r talkin bout, willy! :)

(blushy blush)thank u miss whit! :) :)

Hannalei said...

Hehehe so funny. I can just see the dainty shake shake shake from the water drops. How funny what wee little sugar cubes dachsies are. Baxi included I see. :)

Sarah & le Weens