Wednesday, July 18, 2012

my friend mario: bubble trouble

hey everybuddy, whatchoo lookin at? is mario doing that cool thing again where he stares atchoo and puffs his cheeks up? i really hope he can come visit again when the circus bears come to town again cuz that would be such a cool thing to add to our sideshow.


so many bubbles! and they were not here just a couple of days ago.

 lil pink puppy, u did not put any bubble bath in mario something something something obi wan kenobi's bowl, didjoo?

and duk duk, u did not...u know, make bubbles in there either, right?

and chocobot was with me playing thunderpoops n ladders all day so hmmmmmm.....

 maybe mario ate too much monkey chow munchies and foofied up his own water!!



well....o, i know what we can do!


do not worry, mario something something obi wan kenobi, the scene is safe! i am going getchoo some of my emergency pepcid and soon your tummy will be as good as new. 

come on duk duk, chocobot, n lil pink puppy, i am going to need all your help to open the drawer under the washer where mom keeps my medicine because even though it is very low it is very heavy. 

we'll be right back mar-


why no, mom.  everything is fine.  we are just going to mario some medicine to help with his foofie tummy because as you can see he is bubbling up his bowl and considering his water is like our air i bet that really stinks -- what? oh?? really? 

well i'll be. mario made a bubble nest!   i had no idea fishies were part duk, didjoo?   


Lovable Lily said...

Wow Baxter, who would have thunk that we were also getting a science lesson outta all of those bubbles! Glad to hear that Mario something something something obi wan kenobi will be just fine.

See I told ya Baxter.... You are the Master Scientist in your home!

Lily Belle

Hannalei said...

LMAO!! Foofies! I didn't know they made bubble nests! Must google! ;)

Sarah & le Weens

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee everyday i always seem to learn something lily belle! :)

bubble bubble bubble miss sarah! :)

Teddy said...

Well Baxter, you identified the problem and set about trying to solve it. Good job to you and your awesome team!