Tuesday, July 24, 2012

life is..

Tiny Sausage Avenger took a break from barking at everything surrounding the perimeter of his backyard yesterday evening.  The little neighbor misses Sarah and Julia, moms to Mario Snoopy Obi Wan Kenobi, dropped by to say hello and play a what seemed to be sweet game of name repetition and free flowing snackies, with an occasional tap toe and paw shake thrown in for good measure. 

There were totally non-bonuses about being outside in that mosquitoey moist heat, watching Baxter's waistline grow snackie by snackie larger and larger, and yet I hope, as I am sure the little kielbasa and his tummy does, that his little friends will visit again.  Life is a bowl of snackies, and we all should take a bite. :)


Jasper + Amy said...

Baxter, you are so good at training little humans to give you snackies aplenty!! What's your secret??


Baxter said...

well jasper, it is actually very easy bcuz the little ones just give and give and give, no training needed! the trick is to convince your mom and dad that it is all a very good socializing experience for you, u know? so be sure when u first see the little ones, to bark, but not so much that they are afraid of u so that way, u know, everyone feels good when u stop barking. :)

Jeanne said...

What nice small humans! Poe says that having a little girl living in the house has its bonuses: LOTS more food gets dropped on the floor, and little ones sure do love to share snackies and kisses. On the other hand, little ones tend to occupy parents' laps, too.

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee well miss jeanne & poe, i think there is an easy peasy fix for the lap thing, especially if your foofie can clear a room like, um, a certain someone can.. :)