Wednesday, July 25, 2012


 hee hee, sharko polo jumps out of the water and sinks his shiny white teeth into his prize!!

uhm..mahm, canshooh pleesh let go now?


Anonymous said...

Chomp Chomp Chomp!

Looks de-lish-e-ous!


- Hildy

Lovable Lily said...

Sharko..... Polo....... What a fun game that is!

That BIG, huge bone sure looks yummy Baxter. Hope you're enjoying it.

Lily Belle

Lisa Martens said...

Arent those foofie bones?

kalyxcorn said...

hildy, it was! :)

lily belle, boo hoo, i never get to enjoy the big bones for very long - mom says i have a five minute time limit. cuz u know, i have to keep my girlish figure. but it was still very enjoyable!!

well miss lisa, if u r talking about the p-eeeeeeeeews, lucky for me i have not had one in ages and mom says she hopes my tushie outgrew it like my forebrothers kep and padua did. i say, i hope i never outgrow rawhide! :)