Saturday, August 18, 2012


By the time I was ready to close the curtains and shades in our bedroom for the evening, tiny chumley still felt that there were things outside his window that needed to be monitored.  And who was I to keep a little dachshund from performing his duties?  :)


Jane said...

I know! Bunnies and squirrels and other wildlife especially like the evenings and Baxter probably knows this. Very cute picture!

Lovable Lily said...

How is it Baxter that we come to love you more and more each day!
(sorry Lulu...)

Lily Belle

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u miss jane and lily belle! and do not tell anybuddy but lulu is wonderful too. just u know, as a friend. even though she is a girl. :)

pugfish said...

Beautiful pix!