Friday, October 12, 2012

bye bye mister bubbles

Well, some puppy will be happy to know that after one or two more baths, his why'd-u-make-me-give-up-a-perfectly-good-stink-for-this-purple-flower-stink shampoo will be but a memory. All 16 ounces of Mrs Meyers Clary and Sage Oatmeal Pet Shampoo, soon to be gone after almost five years of use.  And never to be smelled again, apparently, because I found out yesterday that the shampoo was discontinued some time ago.

Now don't get me wrong, there are tons of shampoos out there, and much to tiny chumley's dismay, his baths will continue with something I'll find that I am sure will leave him equally zoomie herbal fresh.  But Mrs Meyers - this bottle of Mrs Meyers actually -  has been faithfully by our side since the beginning, when Baxter came to us a jiggly wiggly boy who had already gone under two name changes before finding his forever name and forever home.  Over the next five years, Mrs Meyers would help us celebrate the fun times in Baxter's life, getting our boy squeaky clean after frolicking  in the dogpark,  after meeting new friends at doxie playgroup, and of course, after digging holes in the backyard.  And she was there when we needed her most, cleaning and comforting the little kielbasa as she gently helped wash away the scary remnants of his bout with hemorrhagic gastroenteritis,  the only night that Baxter has ever slept apart from either of us. 

I know, it's just shampoo. And Baxter's side of the story for bath times as you know are very different, and much less...wistful.   But this was his first bottle and it was his signature after bath smell.  Well, until he's spritzed with  his after zoomie scent, but that's a story for another day.

bye bye soon mrs meyers shampoo! thank u for taking care of me all these years, even if you washed  my good stink down the drain and replaced it with, um, purple flower stink. it's okay, i forgive u.  but, um, don't call me, i'll call u, ok? :)


Holly Diane said...

awww what a cutie! I hope you'll find some shampoo equally as scent-a-mental :)

AMY ANN said...

Awwww! It sounds a little bitter sweet.

Jasper + Amy said...

Baxter, tell your mom that this shampoo has the same scent, but we've never tried it so we're not sure if you will like it as much.

Our Pets EcoPure Naturals 8 oz. Clary Sage Aromatherapy Shampoo

Cassie said...

That may be the cutest picture of Baxter ever!

Lovable Lily said...

Kind of like saying goodbye to an ol'e friend.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Kristina @ spabettie said...

this is one of the cutest sweetest photos I've ever seen!

sweet smelling wiener dog.

Steph and Charlie said...

this photo is beyond adorable.
i also second jasper & amy's recommendation - we use the same thing (sorry baxter!)

Hannalei said...

Is it hard having such a rough life?

He's so stinkin cute it hurts my eyes! :)
Sarah & le Weens

Kerri said...

It's kind of odd to see you naked, B!

kalyxcorn said...

hee hee thank u miss holly diane! :)

oh miss amy ann, how didjoo know what my shampoo tastes like? ;)

oh thank u miss amy n jasper - i will looky! even though i would much rather have one that smelled like foofie.

thank u miss cassie! now i understand what it means to suffer for your art.

i know, right lily belle? i hope u have a wonderful weekend!

thank u miss kristina! :)

oh wow i must really try this shampoo - we could all be stink buddies, right charlie? :)

miss sarah, yes it is very rough. especially when u were having so much fun digging in the yard perfecting your good stink. only to see it all go down the drain and be replaced with this.

hee hee, miss kerri, tell me about it! :)