Sunday, March 24, 2013

welcome spring :)

Although it seems uncertain whether it wants to stay or leave, Spring arrived while tiny chumley's time adventure story played on, and with it, joyous celebration as only a little doxie can celebrate, one giant dirt hole at a time.

It almost seems unfair that a little boy can't enjoy his dirty paws and dirty underbelly for longer than just a few minutes after he comes back in the house from such a celebration, but alas, such are the joys life.  For as long as our little four legged backhoe keeps digging, our celebration of spring will involve one very disappointed wiener dog, plenty of warm water, and a meeting with Mister Bubbles.  :)


Anonymous said...

Have you seen, have you heard?
Carson is back. Sorta, maybe just a little but so good to hear something!

It makes me so happy. My favorite Dachshunds on the web.


Jasper + Amy said...

Such a cute picture. :)

Jill Scoggins said...

Dirt-encased toenails: the telltale sign. To a wiener dog, they mean "Wow, what a fun time I had!" To moms and dads, they mean, "In the tub. Now."