Saturday, June 29, 2013

city sampler: dachs in the city

So who's more inclined to keep her camera aimed below the waist and close to the ground in NYC, rather than gawking at all the tall buildings or famous celebrities or all that other touristy stuff?  Yeah, you know the answer already.  Quite a few lovely little doxie sightings.  Except for one certain little special Charlie boy, with whom the planets will hopefully align next time. :)

ahem. um, excuse me. mom? sorry to interrupt but i was looking thru the pictures u were not going to post and well, i was noticing how all these doggies have to walk every where and well, next time u go into the city, can u please get me and duk duk one of these? we can paint it yellow and next summer maybe me n duk duk can go into the city and start up our very own doggie taxi service.  small dogs only. and maybe not girls because a taxi this size really has no over there for them to stand in if u know what i mean. but it would be perfect for everybuddy else, dontchoo think?  :)