Saturday, August 31, 2013


okay okay, duk duk, i'll tell her!

mom, friends do not let friends draw girl dogs.  doesn't henry gumption know he might get cooties? and can we please put this picture over there til he can give it to cloe's mom? me and duk duk do not want to start off the school year already cootied.  if u know what i mean.  :)

- baxter, 6.7 years old, on the drawings of Cloe the chihuahua that his visiting friend and madwilly's brother, henry gumption,  did yesterday. 


Lovable Lily said...

Didn't you get your cootie shot this year Baxter? We thought it was a requirement before starting school.

Mr. Henry is an amazing artist!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Taffy said...

Baxter, for somedoggy that doesn't want cooties, you are sitting very close to that drawing. It is a wonderful drawing though!