Friday, June 19, 2015

psst pass it on: tiny pooper doots on monday and thursday :)

 wait, what? no okay, i am ready, mom....extra extra, poop all about it - super cool tiny pooper poop bag dispener and snackie holders, one litter of eight and one litter of nine, soon to be in my mom's etsy shop, just look below for details! extra extra poop all about it - plan your summer adventure and never worry about leaving your poop behind again, extra extra poop all about it!

hee hee, that's right my friends, now all u need to do while u r waiting for either doot is 
a) mark your calendars and set your alarms and
b)work on your let's go for a walkie stare. u know, like this..

 good lucky luck and i hope u have a wonderful weekend! :)


Nat said...

Hey Baxter!! How much are these guys? We are so excited to get one!!

kalyxcorn said...

well miss nat, i do not know the current exchange rate because etsy figures all that out, but it's pretty much four and a half bags of gummy worms :)

kalyxcorn said...
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Nat said...

Oh perfect!! Thank you Baxter!! I can't wait to own one of these poopie doots!!