okay, so, our scientifically optimized trick or treat schedule requires us to be at house number one by five pm, so with travel and snackie time, plus a little foofie factor thrown in for good measure, the new and final costume dropsqueak deadline is three pm.
well, we've got a dry run and u have work to do, so i won't keep u any longer, mom. and i would like to thank u for your time and contribution to Project OoompaWonkaWinked thus far. bye mom, we'll see u after the dry run.
hee hee, finally, a use for all that mumbo jumbo speak i always hear dad using on his work calls. u don't think i was too hard on her, do u, duk duk? yeah, u r right, there is no room for babies in project OWW.
okay, so, when we go to the little misses house, remember, duk duk, since u won the guess whose foofie game, u are U Know Who. and that means u have to do all the talking - candy recall, effective immediately, but this time instead of blueberries, it turns people into falcons, or wolves, or tigers, yadda yadda yadda. u can improvise a little to keep it from sounding too scripted, but stay in character and remember to work with what we have. main message is, candy defective, sincere apologies, we are here to take it back 4 u and my very cute and diminutive u know whats will gladly help u. what u say will be very important because i think on my own people will look at me and be like, who's the witch wearing the shiny hurricanes onesie? (siri, research note to self: does tim burton like hockey?)
now, the plan is for the rest of us to be quiet and just collect the candy, but if prompted, we have 2 be ready to sing and dance. lulu the tiger and chocobot, have u both been eating chocobot's special glitter this week and practicing the helium foofie? good.
well, alrighty then, i think we're ready to start this dry run. all together on three. one. two. three...
good morning starshine, the earth says hello! :)
WOW . . . red pleather! Speechless . . . except I really, really like the hat(s)!
Baxter.... I'm speechless....
But I will say this... AMAZING!!! Literally amazing.
May the Force be with you on your Halloween dry run and on Halloween. You are so cute no matter what you wear and your mom is such a talented sewing guru!
Little Klaus' Mom
Ummm sorry B but pleather makes your puhtookus look BIG ;-)
That is one shiiiiiiny awesomeness of a costume!!!!!!! I bet you will get lots of candy! ---- wally and b
Happy Halloweenie Baxter! I like your costume. I hope your mom was able to make the deadline you gave her, but I must say she did a great job so far. So just enjoy your day with your friends and the little misses.
Baxter, You and your friends look amazing as always! Happy Halloween!
Book please
hee hee whay thank u miss sharon and miss nat and miss little klaus's mom and wally and b and miss jane! and sorry mistermiss unknown but my puhtookus is pretty much that size cuz u know, it's #someaty :)
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