..hee hee, yeah me, too, duk duk. i mean, seriously, i do not know how, but we always seem to be able to come up with something super cool every time! i guess when u like smell as much as we so, the inspiration just comes sort of naturally really, even if they are inspired by something as smelly as the flowery stinks of the garden.

hee hee, yeah, i know, i wish we could have made more that 20 diffuser sets but mom said it kind of took a long time sewing all the pretty flowers from the wool felt. and then there was all that sanding and making all the packaging and well, we are using essential oils for the smell this time so, u know, there is that...

but i hope they all get wonderful homes because even after the diffusers are done smelling, a beautiful tiny felt flower garden will remain for people to enjoy forever. and if they want to, they can even cut out the stinkbugs we put all over the packaging. yeah, that was genius really.
speaking of genius, i am also really glad mom is letting us do a cyber doot fair so we can doot a bunch of things at once so hopefully people can save a few gummy worms on shipping. and that way, if anybuddy missed out on cootie protection amulets or weenie stack rings, or maybe they need a little F(art) for the home or office, or maybe they need some experimental cool things we made for father’s day, well, they can do all their shopping at once! yeah, i know, our marketing will be all over the place but i think we’ve made good progress on developing an angle for it. we really need to start photographing everything for our listings, too.

o, smello, mom. hey, me and duk duk were wondering if finally for our next smelly set, u know, not this one, cuz it smells of flower stink, well, we were wondering if finally we can make a poopie scented set. u know, cuz, it would smell amazing? :)

A phoophie scent diffuser set from the Ferocious Wolf would certainly make for a most wonderful gift -- for that special person of course!
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